Sociology, Scripture and the Supernatural
Can insights from the social sciences, especially sociology, help in the interpretation of Scripture? This article surveys and critically examines some of the results of recent studies.
Can insights from the social sciences, especially sociology, help in the interpretation of Scripture? This article surveys and critically examines some of the results of recent studies.
Solutions to problems in society and literature are more often today sought in the structure of things. Origin is no longer the almost-exclusive focus of attention in biblical studies. Structuralism springs from social sciences. Poythress evaluates it for its value as an exegetical tool.
What is the relevance and meaning of the authority of Scripture for the social sciences? This essay considers the relationship between faith and social sciences.
Chapter 4 considers the challenge of modern science to the understanding of Scripture. Science, it is said, demonstrates that the Bible is just one among many collections of human religious ideas. The author explains that challenges arise both with respect to natural sciences and social sciences.
Do the social sciences form a threat to the Christian faith? In this essay Moberg discusses five ways in which the social sciences can help Christians become more effective servants of Jesus Christ.
In seeking objective truth, human beings cannot rid themselves of their personal perspectives. The study of natural sciences and social sciences is also influenced by individual perspectives.
Christian mission currently appears to be suffering from an acute identity crisis. This crisis has to do with at least two major factors: the increasing interdisciplinary nature of missiology and the rapid pace of change in the world around us. Each of these has significant implications for the church’s missionary task. Few would oppose in principle the efforts made to draw upon the valid findings of the various social sciences.