Ten Misconceptions about the NT Canon: #10: "Athanasius' Festal Letter (367 AD) Is the First Complete List of New Testament Books"
When did we have a New Testament canon? If one is asking when we see these books, and only these books, in some sort of list, then most point to the fourth century canonical list of Athanasius. But this article shows that we have a list by Origen more than a century earlier.
Ten Things You Should Know about Athanasius
Athanasius is well known for his work of defending the Christian faith. Here are ten things you should know about this church father.
Ten Things You Should Know about Athanasius
This article lists ten things worth knowing about the church father Athanasius.
Not "Just Forgiven": How Athanasius Overcomes the Under-Realized Eschatology of Evangelicalism
Is the view of salvation generally held in contemporary evangelicalism an under-realized eschatology with a too-narrow focus on forgiveness alone? This article suggests this is the case, and offers the doctrine of salvation we find in the theology of Athanasius as a correction.
Becoming like God: An Evangelical Doctrine of Theosis
Athanasius, the fourth-century church father, made his famous statement that the Son of God became man “that he might deify us in himself." This is called the doctrine of theosis. Some refer to it as deification, divinization, or participation in God.
Will the Real Athanasius Please Stand Up?
Case wants to take a fresh look at one of the early church fathers, Athanasius. He focuses on how Athanasius relied upon Scripture in his work, The Incarnation of the Word of God. He notes the influence of Justin Martyr, the Apostolic Fathers, and Irenaeus.
Athanasius, the Son of God, and Salvation
This article provides an overview of the history and doctrine of Athanasius in contrast with that of Arius. Athanasius defended the teaching of the Nicene Creed regarding the nature of Jesus and the Trinity.
Reformation in the Fourth Century
This article details the history of the reformation of the fourth century, highlighting the beliefs of Athanasius over against Arianism.
Athanasius against the World
This article is about Athanasius, born in 296 A.D. in Alexandria, Egypt. He was fighting the good fight in one of the biggest controversies of the early church: the divinity of Jesus Christ.
The Council of Nicea
This article is about the Council of Nicea (325 A.D.), the struggle between Athanasius and Arius, and the creed of the divinity of Jesus Christ.
The definition of Orthodoxy
This article is about the Arian controversy in the early church. The author discusses the divinity of Jesus Christ, the beliefs of Origin and Athanasius with regards to the Trinity and Jesus Christ, and the Nicene Creed.
Athanasius and the Deity of Christ
Nicea and its Aftermath
This paper offers a historical survey of the First Ecumenical Council (Nicea) and the ensuing conflicts between the followers of Athanasius and Arius.
Athanasius, the Son of God and Salvation
This article is about Athanasius in his struggle against Arius about the divinity of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God and Jesus Christ as God and man is also discussed in this article.