Spouse > Parents
This article stresses the importance of a husband or wife clearly making their spouse their number one priority in life, over and above any other relationship. It provides three keys to doing so.
Ten Keys to Avoiding the Tragedy of Infidelity
This article offers ten things that help a couple to avoid the tragedy of infidelity in marriage.
Flags in Church?
Does nationalism belong in church? Should churches display their national flags inside? This article argues against the practice, in light of the distinction between national identity and kingdom identity.
What Do We Believe about the Bible?
This article explains four things that Christians believe about the Bible: its inspiration, authority, canonicity, and trustworthiness.
Leadership Core: Talents
This article discusses the topic of talent, which is part of the core strength of leadership. The article discusses how to make the most of one's talent.
The Joy of Confession
This article underlines the joy that comes from confession of sin. It shows from passages like Psalm 103 the power of God's cleansing work.
Practical Advice on Confession
This article offers a few practical pointers about confession of sin: confess it early, confess it to one another, and at times, sit among the weeds to learn from them.
Rooted Leadership: Values
This article considers the matter of leadership, showing the importance of a leader who lives and leads out of his values. The article discusses what values are, and explains why some leaders live lives out of sync with their values.
Rooted Leadership: Relationships
This article discusses leadership, showing that relationships greately influence the character of a leader.
Rooted Leadership: Identity
This article explores the topic of leadership by explaining that every leader leads out of an identity, whether it is a false or authentic identity.
How to Lead a Meeting
Five Reasons to Study Church History
This article offers five reasons why we should study church history: to stay faithful to the truth, to have perspective on where we are now, to have proper balance in our thinking and doing today, to learn humility, and to have hope.
Three Guiding Principles for Preaching the Gospel in the Old Testament
This article calls pastors to preach Christ from the Old Testament. It provides three fundamental truths for OT preaching, followed by three related guiding principles for OT preaching.
What Actually Happens at the Gate (Conversion)?
This article considers what happens when someone is converted. God fundamentally changes the person, also to prepare them for the path ahead.
The Beginning of the Path
This article is an aid for helping to mentor a new believer. It encourages the mentor to help the new Christian understand that life will be different, and eventually difficult, because of his commitment to following Christ.
Eighteen Minutes or Less: Preaching in a Distracted World
What Does It Mean to Believe?
This article considers what it means to believe in Christ. Biblical belief means that one no longer believes or trusts in himself, but has moved that trust "into" Jesus.
What about Those Who Haven't Heard the Good News of the Kingdom?
This article reflects on the destiny of the unevangelized. It stresses that there is no possibility of salvation outside of faith in Christ.
What to Say When Someone Is in Pain
This article shows some of the unhelpful counsel people offer for those suffering, and advises on some helpful things to say.