The First Church-Centered Confession of Faith
Confession of Faith
This is a confession of faith for use in worship.
The Work of the Westminster Assembly, Part II
In this article, the author continues in presenting the historical events that led to the design of the Westminster Confessions. The details in this part of the article cover events from the time the Assembly was convened, on July 1, 1643, to November 25, 1647.
Brief Confession of Faith
This is a brief confession of faith by John Calvin. Some elements include confession of God as the creator of all things, his providence and sovereignty, the sinfulness of man, and total depravity.
The Theology of B. B. Warfield – A Brief and Untechnical Statement of the Reformed Faith
The appendix is a confession of faith drawn up by B. B. Warfield as a summary of the Reformed Faith.
I Believe ... in ... What Again?
Is the practice of corporate confession of faith important? This article argues that corporate confession has a special place in the public worship of the church. It is important for its purpose of reminding, checking, separating, motivating, and uniting.
Towards a Confession for Tomorrow's Church
In order for true unity and ecumenicity to exist within the churches, there needs to be a convincing confession of faith. This article looks at the role confessions and creeds play in shaping such unity of churches. Attention is given to the need for confessions, the problems and challenges of adopting confessions, and the method for formulating them.