Fighting against Mission Fatigue
Burnout has become a common experience of many missionaries. How do you fight against mission fatigue? Identify the causes, and fight against the burnout.
Burnout has become a common experience of many missionaries. How do you fight against mission fatigue? Identify the causes, and fight against the burnout.
How do you build a gospel-centred community? There are two aspects to consider: remove the misunderstandings about the church and foster a true understanding. This article discusses six such misunderstandings, and then sevens truth about being a gospel-centred church.
Following Christ may not necessarily result in you seeing revival. Yet you are guaranteed one thing: Christ himself. This article raises five lies that are successful at keeping us from persevering in faithful obedience to the Lord.
The church has always pursued making disciples. What can we learn from those who went before us? This article draws four lessons from Jan Hus on discipleship.
Loving God is a call that the believers can fulfill by being together. Growing in love for Christ happens within a community of believers. This article explains that this growth happens by listening, repenting, and confessing together.
Where should you start as a church when reaching out to the community and discipling others with the gospel? This article presents five sets of questions to help you asseess your community, and then discusses what you are to do with your answers to the questions.
The Christian community is not something we create, but something we participate in. How? The Bible explains that it is by loving one another in God's church, because love is what characterizes the Christian community. This article explains what it means to grow together in this love.
How do you cultivate a church environment where discipleship is rooted in a circle of disciples discipling others? In Acts 11 and Acts 13, the church in Antioch gives the essence of a multiplying culture. This article explains that there are five things essential to multiplying disciples.
Why is missional coaching necessary? There is no amount of training that can fully prepare you for mission work. Every leader and community is different. Leaders must be reminded of the gospel. Leaders need support. For this reason, coaching is needed.