A Torrent of Error Closing the Gulf between Calvin and Calvinism
The Calling of the Westminster Assembly of Divines
This article gives a historical account of what led to the Westminster Assembly and the Westminster Confession.
The Westminster Confession of Faith, Part III: The Catechisms of the Westminster Assembly
In this part of the series on the Westminster Confession, the author focuses on the process of producing the catechisms, as far as can be obtained from the records that remain. The author discusses some doctrinal issues that were the subject of extended debate.
The Affirmation That God Is "Without…Passions"
In this article, the expression in the Westminster Confession that God is "without...passions" is explained. The explanation has to do with the role of emotions or feelings within the divine being.
A Comparison between the Heidelberg Catechism and the Westminster Confession Introduction, Shifts in Theology
The Westminster Confession of Faith and Church Unity (2)
The Westminster Confession of Faith was meant to further the unity of the church. These two articles look at the context of this confession and the leaders who participated in drafting it. The author also discusses church unity, which is found in the preaching of the gospel, the administered ordinances, and the performance of public worship.
The Westminster Confession of Faith and Church Unity (1)
The Westminster Confession of Faith was meant to further the unity of the church. These two articles look at the context of this confession and the leaders who participated in drafting it. The author also discusses church unity, which is found in the preaching of the gospel, the administered ordinances, and the performance of public worship.
The Westminster Confession of Faith Today
Confessions display the core of Christian doctrines and reveal the unity of the church. This article looks at the Westminster Confession - its history and its exposition of the doctrine of God and redemptive history - showing how it can guide the church in upholding the teaching of scripture.