Old Man, New Man; Dead Man, True Man
What is the relationship between the believer and indwelling sin? This article explains via a discussion on the new man coming to life by virtue of union with Christ, and what this means for the old man, or sinful nature.
Original Sin: A Difficult Doctrine
The Five Points of Calvinism (Part 2): Total Depravity
This is the second article in a series on the five points of Calvinism. This article looks at total depravity, showing that it refers to man's sinful nature and his inability to do spiritual good.
Are Christians Sinners or Not?
The author looks at the fact that we are justified in Christ, but that we are still wretched sinners in this life. The author looks at Romans 6 and Romans 7 to see the place that sin still has in the believer's life. The normal Christian life is a life of struggle against sin and our sinful nature.