Evaluating Others: What Was He or She Thinking?
Magnificent Motives The Road to Heaven is Paved with Good Intentions
Four Inner Rings You May Be Pursuing
Motives fuel our pursuits. How do we discern whether our motivations are good for the things we pursue? This article uncovers four pursuits our lives may be gravitating towards: acceptance, authority, applause, and abundance.
The Messy Matter of Motives
Why do you do the things you do? This is the question of motives. This article gives two ways of dealing with motives.
Gospel Motivations for Gospel Ministry
Conscience, Choice, and Character
What is involved in making a moral choice? This article shows that this question can be answered by looking at one's understanding of what man is, the role of the conscience, and the question of standards and motives. This is what shapes an understanding of Christian ethics.