Christian Art?
This article shows how the Christian worldview has motivated Christian art in the past. Art is one way of bringing the beauty and wonder of creation and God to the human eye.
Spiritual Depression
This article looks at depression and the way it relates to Christians. The author answers the question: do Christians get depressed? The emphasis of the article is on spiritual depression.
( New one added to CL) Are Promises Like Pie-crusts?
The Roman Catholic Bible
This article looks at the place of tradition and the apocryphal books within the Roman Catholic Church belief. Comparing this to the Bible used by Protestants, this article gives the history to this divide and shows that the Roman Catholic church has not changed on this, even today.
Our Culture of Choice
This article looks at the impact of freedom of choice on the promotion of abortion, as well as the role feminism plays in promoting abortion. A call is made to the church and Christians in how they should react when facing such hostility. How must we evaluate this huge focus on choice in our society today?
John of Damascus
This article on the life of John Damascus (c. 675-749) also looks at his theology and his confrontation with Islam.