Five Things Worth Knowing about the Dead Sea Scrolls
This article discusses some things about the Dead Sea Scrolls, namely, what they are, who wrote them, whether they discredit or support Christianity, and if you should go see them.
Raising the Stakes: Why the Resurrection Matters
This article explores the meaning of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and what it achieved. That resurrection demonstrated that Jesus is Lord and Christ, and it revealed that God will judge the world by a man.
The Spirit Within
This article considers what it means to have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. The Spirit works to build up the church, and provide his people with gifts for serving each other. The article ends with a summary of the Bible's teaching on how we are to live as temples of the Spirit.
The Spirit-Filled Man
This article considers the emphasis in the writings of Luke on the role of the Holy Spirit in the ministry of the Lord Jesus.
Inspired Aspirations
How does the Old Testament prepare us to understand the Holy Spirit in the New Testament? This article weighs in, revealing the kinds of expectations that first-century Jews should have had.