Looking at the sermons and prayers of John Calvin, this article shows how he longed to see the church reformed. This article draws some lessons for the churches today in how they can share such a longing in the desire for ecumenical unity.
This article looks at the life of Joannes Anastasius Geldrus (also known as Veluanus). His desire for the biblical truth helped pave the way for the introduction of the Heidelberg Catechism in the Netherlands.
Looking at the early church, the Reformation, and the Confessions, this article seeks to answer the question: what are the marks that distinguish a Christian?
This article looks at the baptismal practice of submersion in water over against the sprinkling of water. The author traces this practice through the Bible and the history or the early church, favouring submersion over sprinkling since it better expresses the meaning of baptism.