The Satan as Father of Lies
The Satan as Father of Lies
Daily we pray for deliverance from the evil one. Deliverance from what? What do we mean by this?
Satan is often mentioned in times of difficulties and sickness. When the sorrows are drastic, the question for the source of it becomes intense. “I know that God directs my life, but is not the influence of the devil in this too?” This question can be stated in all kinds of ways, whereas it is not often heard in times of prosperity. How logical is that actually?
It may be true that Satan has his hand in all kinds of evil. Still, we may not forget that he is introduced to us as the father of lies. Therein lies his cunning and his power. Not the blatant lie, of course, because no one believes that. No, the lie wrapped in apparent truth is accepted much easier.
His action in Paradise was typical. Satan did not deny the clear word of God. He just questioned whether it was really intended as such; he twisted it. With that he got results.
Adam and Eve did not have to be afraid of the devil; they were in close proximity of God. But they should have been on their guard for this kind of temptation, not to leave God on their own volition. That is exactly how it is stated in the New Testament: do not be afraid; Jesus has conquered! As long as you are on your guard, because the devil seeks to take everyone with him in his fall (1 Peter 5:8-11).
Even the sincerely upright man can grossly overestimate himself. Because he (unconsciously?) abrades the sharp edges of God’s Word. Jesus states very clearly that we should follow him in everything. Well then, we are willing to follow, but in everything? With that Jesus asks us to be willing to leave everything behind, and our resolve to dedicate our whole lives (including our belongings) to him. Agreed, I am willing, but surely that does not need to go that far? Jesus tells us that following can only happen when we say farewell to our old life. We must take up our cross on which that old sinner dies. Yes, that is fine, as long as it does not hurt, because then I would like less of that dying.
And so you can go on. Do you recognize this?
Continually, sharp edges disappear, till you have to ask yourself the question: am I actually (still) following Jesus? Am I not busy with something totally different? Who are you actually listening to?
When we in our thinking connect Satan with what we experience as evil, we miss the mark completely. Of course he is involved in that, but he can just as well apply his schemes in prosperity and success. Ultimately, it will not matter to him whether you are healthy or sick, poor or rich. That really does not matter to him. He is willing to give you all the wealth in the world (Matt. 4:8)! As long as you kneel before him, that is enough.
Satan want to separate you from Jesus; that is the great evil he is constantly lurking on.
However, time and time again the confusion is that that evil looks different than you expect. That way someone can know himself very blessed by the Lord. He has a good life. He is healthy, has a wife and children, and is only thinking about all kinds of ways to enhance his life. He experiences that as pats on his back from above, even though he is as self willed as can be and does not feel himself to be the poor sinner. The lie is then almost tangibly present. In these circumstances the influence of the devil is as real as in times of sickness.
On the other hand, people may feel themselves unworthy before God, because of their sins.
They feel themselves confronted constantly with their own weaknesses and sinful desires. Can they call themselves believers? That cannot be possible. The misery is that there seems to be a lot of truth in that. Still, it is especially the lie that reigns here, because Satan is continually throwing the defeated man back unto himself. That is also a way of causing separation. Whereas faith may actually take hold of Christ above all own misery!
Along with that, there is another way of lying. John saw in a vision how spirits from the deep darkened the sky (Rev. 9). They draw the curtains on earth so that no one can see heaven anymore. Life on earth proceeds without God. The sense of everything gets lost so that people are tortured and prefer to be dead. The lie becomes as large as life through the denial of God. It is breathed in en mass, while many are not even aware of it.
A horrible scene, which in reality presents itself completely differently. It is the world of entertainment and pastime, of pleasant amusement and being productive. The mind is completely occupied and that is where the deadly venom is. There is no room for God anymore; at best he is somewhere in the margin.
Comforting is the light, which despite all this darkness still falls on the people who were sealed by the Spirit (Rev. 9:4). But then you should look for that light! By consciously directing your mind toward God, by listening and praying. You do not have to be afraid, but you must be alert! Otherwise you close your own curtains.
In the newest ruse from devil, he no longer needs any violence. No, the ultimate trick is to bombard people with so many new items and developments that their mind is full. Also with music and songs listened to with headphones so that nothing else can enter. And with a totally different experience, so that ultimately the church is experienced as being strange. Recognizable? That is how darkness works.
This indeed does not bring harm only to the church, but many people in society also seem to be completely filled with thoughts and ideas, too full to keep their attention on their work. In the workplace so many mistakes are made due to lack of concentration that the question arises: “Where were you last evening, this night? Did you actually sleep? Where are your thoughts?”
Darkness is elusive, but it is recognizable. People seek their joy and satisfaction, but it takes more and more effort; thus everything else is going to suffer from it. Relationships break up due to lack of attention, functioning well becomes rare, sense of responsibility is waning, nothing is important anymore.
This pattern also threatens a Christian, with his commitment to Christ and his neighbour. If no joy is found in that, he will seek other enjoyment elsewhere, first subtly, then more and more conspicuously. Because those other things are going to take increasingly more time and energy; listening to God (reading the Bible) is getting less, prayer becomes more egoistic, the worship services are just too much, and the contributions could be lower — to just mention a few. Subsequently, the whole suffers from Christian reflection, leadership is lacking, the vision narrows, and the expectation fades.
Does this seem satanic? Not directly. But it is, pre‑eminently! Not all truth is taken away immediately. Very crafty. People can boast about and show off their knowledge. That disguises a lot. In the meantime they end up outside of life. That is the devil’s success.
The Truth Sets Free←⤒🔗
We are beginning to discover why the truth sets you free. The truth is the opposite of the lie which wants to darken the world.
Once, in the midst of this degenerate world, stood the cross of Jesus Christ! Whatever happens here, the earth was paid there. Whatever topples or disappoints now, Jesus’ merit on the cross cannot be toppled by anyone. Jesus Christ is the Truth personified. Whoever embraces him will never get into the darkness and will never be captured by it. The Spirit of God will ensure that the spotlight from heaven is always on Jesus.
Then you will see his cross standing in the center of your own life. And there you also find his open grave. To your great comfort and endless encouragement. Whatever has been damaged in your own existence, by your own doing or by someone else’s fault, you are not left to yourself. You will not be locked up in yourself. The truth will set you free. The light goes on. Jesus takes you along in his death and resurrection.
The Light Shines in the Darkness←⤒🔗
It sounds so familiar: “The light shines in the darkness,” but it refers to an enormous tension, that is always present, everywhere. The darkness intends to grab the light, darken it, extinguish it. That will not be possible, thanks to God (John 1:5). Still, that darkness is aggressively present; people close to you live in it. Before you know it, you have gone too far with them. On the other hand, one single ray of light and the darkness is broken. God is able to let his light shine in completely dark places. The light that is life and that gives life — even to people who had already relinquished all hope a long time ago.
Paul describes this as the miracle that God accomplishes in his heart. Inside it has become light, while that is where it was dark (2 Cor. 4:6). Now he grants that glorious new life to everyone, now he sees(!) that God is busy with that and uses him for it.
Come into the light, says John (1 John 1:5-7). Not so that you will then do all the right things, but so that you show your entire life to God. That is the important thing: see and wanting to be seen. Then it will never be dark.
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