The Resurrection, The Life
The Resurrection, The Life
I am the resurrection and the life
John 11:25
So what did He mean when earlier He said about Lazarus: "this sickness is not unto death?" Was He mistaken?
No, Jesus never meant: this sickness is not going to lead to death, rather: the matter is not going to end in death. The end for which all of this is working is the glory of God, and that the Son of God would be glorified through it. Jesus will make a further, even more glorious revelation of who He is.
That's why Jesus could be so seemingly nonchalant when He received word that Lazarus, a dear friend, is sick. With dispatch his sisters had sent the urgent request: please come and help! Yet Jesus continues where He is, doing what He was doing, for two more days. Hadn't He understood the seriousness of the situation?
The disciples were relieved that apparently everything was going to work out all right. For the life of them they didn't want to make another trip toward the vicinity of Jerusalem. During both of His last two visits the Jews had taken up stones to kill Him.
Two days later, however, Jesus informs them they're going to Judea after all. They put in their objections. They are concerned for His life, and their own. But Jesus reminds them He has a task to perform according to His Father's good pleasure. No threat is going to prohibit Him from accomplishing it.
Jesus explains that Lazarus is asleep. He goes to wake him. Sleeping? Does that mean he's on the mend? Again they're relieved. Let's just leave well enough alone, you don't really want to go to Judea, Jesus, it's only going to spell trouble.
They still don't understand. Finally Jesus comes out and says it: Lazarus is dead!
Jesus knew. Of course He knew. He is Son of the living God. Evidently He's even happy it worked out this way.
Now there would be no getting around making that dangerous trip into Judea. Committed to their friend, but also with an unbelieving fear about the situation they'd be putting themselves into, the disciples, led by Thomas, agree to go along. "Let's go that we may die with Him."
When they reach Bethany, Lazarus had already been dead four days. The first one to meet Jesus is Martha, the busy, active one of the sisters. "Lord if only you had been here..." This is no faithless and arrogant questioning of His ways. It is a poignant expression of her grief, these are the questions of faith.
Jesus tenderly encourages her that Lazarus will rise again. To be sure, Martha believed in the resurrection at the last day. It was clearly taught in the Old Testament. Jesus Himself taught on the matter (John 5:28,29). But Jesus presses the matter to its proper conclusion. The hope of the resurrection is not such as allows a person to be satisfied with vague generalities. A lot of people have a hope that something better is coming, but Jesus makes the assertion that the hope of resurrection is found in Him and Him alone. I AM.
He is boldly saying: I am the fulfilment of all the Old Testament teachings pertaining to the glorious hope of the resurrection. There is no such hope apart from Me.
"Do you believe this, Martha?" Jesus moves Martha from an abstract hope in a resurrection to a personalized belief and trust in the One who provides it. Hear the beautiful response He evokes from her: "Yes Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God who is to come into the world."
Glory to God! Wasn't this Jesus' great purpose in the death of Lazarus, that the Son of God may be glorified, revealed, through it?
Mary is next on the scene. She throws herself at the feet of her Saviour, coming with the same kind of grief-laden questioning as Martha: "Lord if only!"
When Jesus saw her, and all the Jews with her, weeping, He groaned in the spirit and was troubled. Yes, we read further that Jesus wept, He literally burst into tears over the things He saw. But at the same time as He is deeply saddened by sorrow and death, He is also deeply vexed and outraged at what brought them on, namely, sin!
He puts His whole self into the work of bringing life to His own in the midst of death. He enters into the suffering and struggle. Our God is not some detached being. In Christ, He weeps when His people weep and is Himself wroth with anger at sin and injustice in this world.
But His anger is not sinful anger that strikes out in frustration. His tears are not tears of despairing grief. I AM, He says, and has the power to do something about it. With sighs and groans, with tears, with labour, with holy anger and a passionate love for His beloved and for God's glory, He labours His way to the stinking tomb. Then with all His power and authority as the One who spoke the very creation into existence, He lifts up His voice: "Lazarus, come forth!"
Truly He is the Son of God! Clearly He is the One promised in Isaiah: the blind see, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear ... and the dead are raised!
And in all of this He makes a picture of His own coming death and resurrection. That's why He can also promise sinners "he who believes in Me, though he die, he shall live."
Do you believe this?
In the face of death, in the struggles of life, our faith still seeks understanding when we cry: "Lord if only?" Go with your questions to the passionate, powerful Saviour, resting in the fact that even when it seems He doesn't answer, He is working for our good that the Father may be glorified.
Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, things are heating up. The Pharisees heard about what happened. It comes to the point that the high priest unknowingly prophesies: "It is expedient for us that one man should die for the people." If only he knew. From that day on they plotted to kill Him. God will surely be glorified!
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