Insights into Islamic Law by a former Muslim
The Muslim Brotherhood: In the Shadow of the Koran - Part 2
The Insider Movement: Tinkering with the Christian mission to the Muslim world
Christianity and Islam: What Common Ground? (Part 2)
Christianity and Islam: What Common Ground? (Part 1)
A Kairos Moment?: Why I Think This Is a Great Time to be a Reformed Christian
Sing for Joy in The Lord
Sing a New Song
Ethical Dimensions of the Lord's Prayer
Definitions: ''Incarnation''
Definitions: Atonement
Have the Elders Learned their Lesson?
Cult at Canandohta
The Trivium in Biblical Perspective
The Danger of Callousness
Welfare Reform's Earlier Pioneers
Christian Music Scene Demonstrates Evangelicalism's Demise
Ethical Dimensions of the Lord's Prayer: Hallowed Be Thy Name
Science and Truth
Parable of the Linen Waistcloth
Why Preach from the Old Testament?
Church Order: ''Love organized and spelled out''
Order in The Church
Where'd You Come From, Mr. Claus?
Abraham Kuyper 1837-1920
Lead Us Not into Temptation
Spanking Children and the Limits of the Civil Law
Communion: How Frequent?
How Frequently Should Communion Be Celebrated?
Sorrow, Regret and Repentance
How Should We View Roman Catholicism?
How Should We View Roman Catholicism?
What Should Reformed Evangelism Look Like?
What Should "Reformed" Evangelism Look Like?
Are Pictures of Jesus Legitimate?
Do We Need Creeds and Confessions If We Have the Bible?
Do We Need Creeds and Confessions If We Have the Bible?
Do We Need Church Membership in an Individualistic Society?
How Relevant Is the 16th-Century Reformation?
The Reason
A Serpent's Tooth “How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth It Is to Have a Thankless Child!”
The Use of Canned Evangelistic Approaches
Evangelicals and the Real World (In the World, but Not of It)
"I / We"
"A Songbook of the Universal Church"
"Intelligible and Edifying"
"Faithful Songs"
Resolved Have you Kept them? Broken None?
Hating Sin I Don't like Sin. I Especially Don't Like your Sin.
Luke 16:8-9 – How Do We Handle Our Finances?
How Ecumenical Should We Be?
Is Seeker Sensitivity a Bad Thing?
Do Set Forms of Prayer Quench the Spirit?
Should We Require Two Services?
Is Infant Baptism Divisive?
How Important Is Psalm Singing?
Is Catechism Preaching Outdated?
How Should the Lord's Table Be Fenced?
The Recipe for Church Planting from the Book of Acts
How Should the Lord's Table Be Fenced?
Do We Need Church Membership in an Individualistic Society?
Luke 2:8-9 - The Shepherds who First Heard the Good News
In this article on Luke 2:8-9, the author discusses salvation and grace, especially grace for sinners and despised people.
( new one added to CL) John Chrysostom
This article is about the preaching and work of John Chrysostom. The author also looks at his view on church and state and on childhood education.
"A Cry for the Cry-room"
This article is about the baby room in the church and the way we look at children and the worship service.