This article shows the significance of Christ's appearance after the resurrection to the two Marys on their way to Galilee, as recorded in Matthew 28:9-10.

Source: The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth, 2012. 2 pages.

Jesus-Seeking Women on the Way to Galilee

All hail🔗

The first benediction of the risen Lord does not come to any of the disciples. It comes to women on the road to Galilee. The benediction is “All hail!” The old forgotten phrase literally means, “all kinds of health, all blessing, all joy” be to you. It must have come as a great surprise for these women when they met with Jesus on the road to Galilee. They were not seeking for a benediction, but it was given. While acting in obedience (v. 7), they received this blessing. There are times when a blessing comes while seeking, and other times while doing.

And worshiped Him🔗

Yet when the two Mary’s heard His voice, “they came.” They came, no doubt encouraged by the blessing, “and held him by the feet, and worshipped him” (v. 9b). This act of worship was singular because it was a recognition of Jesus as the Son of God, the divine Redeemer, and that He was no phantom, no spirit. But it was more than this. They were showing that once Christ had made Himself known to them, they were reluctant – even refusing – to ever let Him go. These women felt His feet, no doubt even His very scars, and their hearts found afresh the One whom their soul loved, now victorious over sin and the grave.

Jesus then said, “Be not afraid” (v. 10a) – as if to say, “I am no ghost, or phantom, but risen and real.” Christ desires to have all fear removed and to have His love shed abroad in the hearts of His own. The risen Lord does not come with condemnation or judgment to His children, but peace and good will. This is proven by His next words, “go and tell my brethren” (v. 10b).

My brethren🔗

There is something deeply moving in these words, “my brethren.” Some might expect at least a few words of chastening or displeasure for their abandonment of Christ in His hour of need. Yet with great affection, Jesus calls these weak, frail, faltering disciples, “my brethren.” You see, in the victory over sin and death, Christ the God-man has made us flesh of His flesh, and bone of His bone by divine adoption. Now that Christ has risen, “all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen” (2 Cor. 1:20). Now, the disciples, and all who have faith in Christ, stand with Him not as servants but as brethren.


Then said Jesus unto them ... go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.Matthew 28:10

Why was Galilee the rendezvous? Because Christ said before he suffered,

But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee.Matthew 26:32

How this would have struck a deep chord in the hearts of the disciples! Jesus is doing “just as he said.” Why do we ever doubt His Word? Why do we question Him? Why do we ever get offended with Him? The message rings out: “Go tell the disciples, yes, even Peter...! Go to the rendezvous in Galilee!”

O, that precious region. In Galilee Christ first spoke of the forgiveness of sins. There He walked on water, and calmed the wind and waves. In Galilee, He taught as no man taught, and healed the lame, blind, and maimed. It was here Christ was baptized, and where He prayed into the early morning hours. It was a place of intimate memories; of a deep and abiding love for a band of men, who at their weakest moment, had a praying and watch­ful Shepherd.

Here Christ speaks with joy and confidence, laying hold of the divine promise,

He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied.Isaiah 53:11

To Galilee He shall go – no longer as the “man of sorrows,” but now the risen King of kings and Lord of lords!

Galilee, that sweet place of meeting – the rendez­vous of Christ’s appointment. Dear believer, we have a rendezvous too, when all of life’s storms are over, and we cross this dry parched land. Ours is a rendezvous to come, where myriads of weeping disciples will be glad­dened at the sight of Christ. O, the Galilee above – the rendezvous of the soul!

For Christ has promised,

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.John 14:3

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