The lyrics of the hymn "By Grace Alone"

Source: Christian Renewal, 1997. 2 pages.

"By Grace Alone"

1.Thou art our God, and we Thy race

Elected by Thy sovereign grace.

Not by the works which we have done

But by the cross the victory's won.

Oh keep this truth within my heart,

That from it I may ne'er depart

2. By nature we depraved did dwell

Under Thy curse - deserving hell –

Sinful, corrupt in every part, 

Not one pure motive in our heart.

Hadst Thou not looked on us in grace

We would remain a perished race.

3. In love eternal Thou didst choose

To save Thy sheep; their bonds to loose.

No good did we within us have

To claim Thy gracious plan to save.

Elected by Thy grace alone;

Holy to stand before Thy throne!

4. Incarnate did Thy Son appear –

A sacrifice – a Lamb most pure;

To make atonement for His sheep

And perfectly Thy will to keep.

Now cleansed from sin and righteous, we

Are sons and heirs eternally!

5.The blood of Christ by grace supplied

Was by Thy Spirit's pow'r applied.

Thy Spirit we could not resist

Who breathed new life into our breast.

Our souls alive, which once were dead,

Sing praise to Christ, the Lord, our Head!

6.With all Thy saints we are preserved

To enter heav'n – a place reserved.

Secure we're kept within Thy care,

Lest we be lost to Satan's snare.

Oh Sovereign God, all praise to Thee

For our salvation, full and free!

7. This hymn of thanks, Oh Lord, we bring;

For by Thy grace alone we sing.

Employ our lives in every sphere

Thy law to Keep; Thy Name to fear.

"By graced alone" – this doctrines pure –

Our Only Comfort doth secure.


(Note: The first stanza is an introduction and the seventh the conclusion. Verses 2 through 6 contain the basic teachings of the five points of Calvinism. The tune (Melita) is commonly the tune used for the Navy Hymm - ''Eternal Father, strong to save''.

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