Did the Early Church Teach Transubstantiation?
This article discusses whether the early church fathers taught transubstantiation. It shows that they ultimately recognized the elements at the Lord’s Supper to be symbols of Christ’s body and blood.
This article discusses whether the early church fathers taught transubstantiation. It shows that they ultimately recognized the elements at the Lord’s Supper to be symbols of Christ’s body and blood.
The article deals with the main aspects of differences between the Roman Catholic, the Lutheran, Reformed (Anglican), and the Baptist views on the presence of Christ in the bread and wine of the Lord's Supper. The Catholic view is transubstantiation, while the Lutheran view is consubstantiation. The Reformed view is that of the real presence of Christ, without the need to identify his physical body in the Supper.
How is Christ present in the Lord's Supper? When we eat of the bread and drink of the wine of the Lord's table, how is that eating and drinking Christ? This article discusses the Roman Catholic teaching of transubstantiation and Martin Luther's perspective, contrasting them with a different perspective on Christ's presence in the Lord's Supper.
Some Protestant Churches have the idea of transubstantiation in that when the crackers and grape juice are blessed by the pastor, they are mysteriously transubstantiated into the proper elements of the Lord's Supper. This article discusses the biblical reasons for the use of wine for the Lord's Supper, rather than just using grape juice.