Job 28 in Its Literary Context
What is the role Job 28 plays in its larger literary context and what is its main message or theme? In its endeavour to answer these questions, the article offers a close reading of the chapter.
What is the role Job 28 plays in its larger literary context and what is its main message or theme? In its endeavour to answer these questions, the article offers a close reading of the chapter.
What is the fullness of the Spirit referred to by Paul in Ephesians 5:18? Often this text is read in terms of the empowerment of individual believers for discipleship and ministry, and this leads to difficulties in relating the text to its immediate literary context.
What is the best way to read the story of Jephthah and his daughters in Judges 11:29-40? This essay sees a combination of intertextuality and literary context as the best tools for a good understanding of the text. The author argues that Jephthah is presented as an inversion of Abraham.