Isaiah 57 – Where God Lives
This article considers the depraved state of Judah in Isaiah 57, and the great mercy of the Lord in drawing near to them anyway.
Isaiah 57:14-15 – Clearing the Way
The Old Testament Background of Paul's Reference to "the Fruit of the Spirit" in Galatians 5:22
"The fruit of the Spirit" in Galatians 5:22 appears to be a general allusion to Isaiah's promise that the Holy Spirit would bring about abundant fertility in the coming new age. Isaiah's repeated prophecies (especially Isaiah 32 and, above all, Isaiah 57) that in the new creation the Spirit would he the bearer of plentiful fruitfulness, are at the forefront of Paul's usage.
The Descent of the Eschatological Temple in the Form of the Spirit at Pentecost Part 2: Corroborating Evidence
This article continues the argument that certain Old Testament and early Jewish references to a temple form the background for the Holy Spirit appearing as of fire and associated features in Acts 2. It examines a number of Old Testament citations in Acts 2 in order to determine whether or not they relate to a temple theme.