Pastors and elders can make house visitation fruitful and meaningful by asking relevant questions to their members. This article gives some questions to ask during home visitation with attention to personal, family and corporate worship. 

1 pages.

Visitation Questions Focus on Personal, Family and Corporate Worship

1. General:🔗

  • How are things going in your life/lives in general?
  • Challenges you have faced in the past year/are facing now?
  • With children: Go over catechism for their age group. Discuss their challenges as covenant children. Call them to follow Christ and profess Him.

2. Specific:🔗

  • How have you grown in your Christian life in the past year?
  • What are your practices regarding (regular/daily?) reading of the Word of God and prayer. Difficulties you face in this? How can we help?
  • What are your practices regarding daily/regular family worship? Difficulties you face in this?  How can we help? Urge them to make use of the prayer list.
  • Your disciplines regarding the Lord’s Day? Worship and Bible School attendance? How are you profiting from the public ministries of the church? With what areas can we help you?
  • How are you making Sunday to be a true “Christian Sabbath”?

3. Other:🔗

  • Questions/concerns/suggestions about the church and its ministry? If you could change one thing about the church, what would it be? Why?
  • How can you benefit more from the church as a community?
  • Suggestions for sermons, Bible School classes, or other public ministries that would be of help to you and to others?

Close with Scripture and prayer (Always being careful to bring specific matters mentioned in the meeting before the Lord.)

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