This is a Children’s Devotion on Jonah 2:4.

2021. 1 pages.

Jonah 2:4

Read: Jonah 2:1-9

Jonah goes down, down, down into the depths of the sea. As he is going down, the seaweed gets tangled around his head. He can’t find the surface of the water, he can’t breathe but is carried down deeper into the water. He is drowning.

But then suddenly a large fish comes, and in one quick gulp he swallows Jonah whole. Jonah is no longer in the water but in the belly of a fish. In there it is slimy and yucky and pitch dark.

What does Jonah do while he is in the belly of the fish? He is in there for a long time and so has a long time to think. He knows why he is in the fish. He knows that God sent the raging storm and made him get thrown in the water. And Jonah feels the anger of God because of his sins. He feels hidden from God. It all feels hopeless to him there in the belly of the fish.

And so, Jonah prays to the Lord. In verse 4 Jonah says that even though he had been cast off by the Lord, he will again see the temple. God opens Jonah’s eyes to the goodness of the Lord. Jonah is sorry for his sins. He wants to go to the temple, to the place where he can make a sacrifice for his sins. Jonah knows that the Lord will save him, and he will see the temple again. He remembers the Lord.

Sometimes we can feel like God is far away from us as well. We might be suffering in some way. Maybe a family member has died or you just don’t seem to have a lot of friends. Maybe you struggle in some other way. Even though your struggles may not be because of your sins like Jonah’s were, you can look to God and remember his promises to you. You don’t need to look to the temple but can look to Jesus Christ. He saves you and loves you and will always be with you.

Reflection with your child:

What did Jonah do in the belly of the fish?

Source: Sermon by Rev. S. ’t Hart

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