This article is an exposition of Ecclesiastes 12.

Source: The Evangelical Presbyterian, 2003. 4 pages.

The Conclusion of the Matter

In any situation of life, when you face a problem, the first thing to do is identify it. When you see what's wrong, you are on your way to putting it right. Now, there's something wrong with the world! There is a problem. The solution begins by identifying that this world is an awful place. This, Solomon has done, and in his walkthrough through life in the book of Ecclesiastes, he has identified the crookedness, the vanity, the emptiness, and the triviality of life under the sun. Now as we come to the final chapter and our final brief study we find he sums up. He gives his conclusion. Moving from his wisdom gained by bitter experience and contemplation, he uses applied wisdom and it draws forth a command to worship.

Solomon’s conclusion is that real wisdom will lead in the path of real worship. Furthermore, the life of worship is life. This is the whole (duty) of man.

The Importance of Wisdom🔗

Solomon has already pointed out that the fool multiplies words. Now in his concluding remarks he also comments that much study is wearisome. Is study then important? Is wisdom important?

Yes, indeed. But how many scholars of various disciplines spend their lives in studying, writing up theses, filling library shelves with their books, but those books will gather dust for years, even centuries. And how much has any real value?

We live in a day of information overload with the World Wide Web. How much information, and words there are of any use? And how much is of lasting value?

Solomon engaged his mind on many things; he had the wherewithal to do it. But at the end of his days he saw much was vanity and ultimately, there is no limit to the making of many books and adding comment upon comment to various things. What wisdom then does Solomon direct us to as truly important? – The wisdom of the Shepherd. “The words of the wise are like goads, and the words of scholars are like well driven nails, given by one shepherd”. (Ecclesiastes 12:11).

Solomon's father David had spoken about a shepherd, remember? True, lasting wisdom comes from the Shepherd; the Word of the Living God. In stressing the importance of wisdom Solomon is saying, “Follow the Maker's instructions”.

“Don't accept any alternatives” so runs the advertisement. Get the real thing. Well, here it is: the Scriptures – v 12 “Be admonished by these”.

My admonishment to you similarly is that you need to realise the only way through this maze of life is to ponder and search out Bible wisdom. If you don't set your heart on becoming a Bible scholar you will wander without real direction and purpose. But if you have set your heart on following Christ and if you have seen your need of him as your personal Saviour then the words from this Shepherd are your life.

So read it; hear it preached; read books about it; live in it; live by it.

It is the book that brings progress. Remember Pilgrim carried it with him all his journey, apart from once setting it down, dozing off, and losing it. But when he found it he treasured it all the more, and resolved not to make the same mistake again. So treasure it. Don't set it down. Take every opportunity to learn from it.

The Imparting of Wisdom🔗

Suppose that you've discovered the cure for some rare and deadly disease. Would you simply keep the formula to yourself? You would tell it forth.

If real wisdom, Bible wisdom, is absolutely vital, then it is important not just to see it as important, but see to it being imparted!

There are at least two things we learn from these concluding verses about the imparting of this wisdom, and this is most relevant to maintain reformed, biblical ministry, and engage in biblical outreach. We read in v 9 of how Solomon “set in order” his proverbs. Further he comments on how true imparting of this important wisdom is compared to “goads” and “well-driven nails” (v 11).

1. Appropriately Ordered🔗

When the hostess seeks to serves up a wonderful meal, she wouldn’t dare do so in an disorderly manner with uncooked carrots, a piece of meat half on the plate, half off; potatoes covered in muddy skins, or mashed potatoes served sloppy.

Solomon states that he pondered and searched to find just the right words. Pray for preachers to serve up the scriptural nourishment, appropriately ordered. The ministry is one of pondering, and seeking out, and setting in order the right words placed in the right form. His thoughts as they are imparted are to be well cooked, clean and clear. There is to be no sloppiness, but served just right, yes even spoon fed where necessary, in digestible lumps.

We are not to preach, or evangelise, over the head with words and phrases displaying our great knowledge, but ultimately doing no more good than roast beef being served up to a baby. Nor are we to give Milupa to spiritual teenagers. The writer to the Hebrews lamented the fact that by this time some ought to have been teachers themselves, but they had to be taught the elementary truths all over again.

In our preaching and speaking of Christ, there must be order and it must be appropriate for those we wish to eat it.

2. Penetratingly Fastened🔗

Furthermore we must hammer in those nails. If the sermon has one point, hammer it home. If, in your evangelism you are seeking to bring home one issue, do so. If the sermon has five, we must make sure each one is a well-driven nail. People are to go home with a well constructed sermon upon their hearts, where the heads of the nails are not so embedded as to be invisible, but driven in and still visible for consideration around the Sunday lunch table.

If this wisdom is important, (and we maintain it is vitally important for your life) preachers, and all engaged in testifying of Christ cannot simply impart this message in a take it or leave it manner. Sometimes it is to be delivered as a verbal punch in the face, or a dig in the side. Drive in those nails – but oh, do so with much grace!

According to the Oxford English Dictionary a goad is “a spiked stick used for urging cattle forward; anything that torments, incites or stimulates”.

Anyone who has grasped the importance of this wisdom, and is seeking to impart this wisdom will, yes, must, with penetrating punch, fasten the nails; prod you; prick you; incite; stimulate, even torment. Penetratingly drive in those truth nails!

I had someone in a former church, who, on my last visit to his home, said he wasn't converted, but he would never think of his goodness the same again. Why? – I had preached on how Paul considered his righteousness dung and did so vividly in farming language. Now there was a fastened nail in his mind and it was brought to mind each time he went muck spreading; that was wisdom he wouldn't forget.

Wisdom is important so impart it with order and with penetration. Now what's it all for? – For worship!

The Importance of Worship🔗

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.v 13

Solomon's search has covered many areas. He has pondered. He has engaged himself in many things. Now he declares his conclusion. While everything under the sun is meaningless vanity we must remember that not all things are under the sun! There is meaning to life; this is it – this is the whole of life. In this we have meaning; we have it all: Fear God and keep his commandments.

I must press upon you then, do you see worship as such an essential? Do you see worship as necessary? Are you a “oncer”? Is the midweek prayer meeting just for the really committed. Or do you live for worship? Do you worship Him every day? Do you train your children to? Do you train your children in the practice of Biblical worship? I'm hammering in a few nails now; a few prods; to make the sheep go in the right directions.

The wisdom that Solomon imparts is that worship is all – worship is what it's all about – and if you don't like that what are you planning to do in heaven?

Remember your Creator! Fear God and keep his commandments. Worship him with your whole life; for this is your whole life!

I cannot understand professing Christians who can look upon their church life as a little part of their life; Christians who can think of worship as an optional extra; Christians who can consider the prayer meeting; daily bible study; prayer, and living to grow in the knowledge of God – all these things as for some, not all. The committed Christian life, evidenced in these ways, is the only Christian life.

What's so important about worship? Answer – because this is it! – now and for evermore! To know God, more and more and see his glorious being, and praise and thank him, and give him our time, talents, money and energy – this is it! This is the “whole” of man. (The original leaves it as bare as that).

What is involved in worship?🔗

i. Fear🔗

We have seen a great growth in an evangelicalism that has lost the fear of God.

But you may say to me – “Surely, Perfect love casts out fear”. Yes, indeed. “And doesn't God love us with a perfect love”? Yes, indeed. “Well, fear”?

Yes, fear. But a fear, not of hell, rather a fear of offending our loving heavenly father. Yes – fear. A fear of losing that close communion we enjoy.

Where is the blessedness I knew, when first I saw the Lord ... The dearest idol I have known, whatever that idol be; help me to tear it from thy throne and worship only thee.

Yes – fear: a fear of sinning. If every time you were tempted you had a fresh sight of the holiness of God, a sight of the wrath of God upon sin, a sight of hell – that caused Felix of old to tremble – if such came to you, would you continue to give way to temptation?

God deliver us from that fearlessness which plagues modern Christianity. It has led us into unholy, and unhealthy ways. Praise God we can come trembling before a God of mercy; to One who so loved that the well beloved Son was painfully crucified – for your sin, and mine. Can you sin so casually?

We are commanded to “no longer conform”; to “pommel the body”; to bring that “living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God” – your acceptable worship! This is your “whole”. Involved in this is holy fear, and...

ii. Obedience🔗

Keep his commandments. Why?

For God will bring every work into judgment... v 14

Modern evangelicalism has led us not to fear the judgement. Modern evangelicalism has led us into a casual approach to obedience. Yet does the scripture not say, be holy. Without holiness no man shall see the Lord.

The Lord declared that every branch that does not bear fruit he cuts off and throws away. He uses words that scrutinise our obedience – “by their fruit you shall know them”.

Yes, if we are truly in Christ, then there is nothing to fear, for there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ. Yet conversion means – you are converted!!! So go, and sin no more. Obedience! And why? – Judgement!

Believers and unbelievers will all stand before that judgement seat and our deeds and thoughts shall all be brought forth.

The judgement is a comprehensive one, in that none shall escape. The judgement is an open one, in that nothing shall be hidden. The judgement is a personal one, in that you are on your own.

Are you prepared for that? If not, then today, cast yourself totally on the mercy of God in Christ. The punishment that brought us peace was upon him.

This truly is the conclusion of the matter. This is the whole of man. This concluding wisdom bring us to our knees. We are to live to worship. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and if you love me, said Christ – keep my commandments.

Godly fear, and loving obedience – Is this really the “whole” of your life?

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