All Our Heart, All Our Soul, All Our Might
Poverty, Prosperity, And The Gospel
Funding The War Against Satan
Our Lavish God
From 10 Percent To 100 Percent
Cross-Shaped Giving
Contributing To Build God's Temple
Luke 2:21 – "He Was Called Jesus"
Acts 4:12 – Only One Name
Acts 4:12 – No Other Name
Colossians 3:5-11 – Putting Sin to Death
Colossians 3:5-11 shows us how to put sin to death. Paul urges us to truly understand our sinfulness, and then to purposefully put away this sin.
The Genesis of Sin
Where do temptation and testing come from? How do we keep away from temptation and sin? This article weighs in.
A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible
Is Church Membership Optional?
Is church membership optional? This article discusses reasons for joining a church, and the blessings that result from church membership. It makes clear that membership is not optional, but a necessity.
Why Join a Church?
This article provides some reasons why Christians need to be members of a church.
Why Church?
Why should Christians go to church? This article explains.
Enjoy Your Bible
Christians should enjoy reading the Bible, since through it we learn more about God.
Bible Breaking, Bible Bending, and Bible Believing
This article looks at three different attitudes people have towards the Bible: open denial of its truth, covert denial of its truth, or full belief and acceptance of it as truth.
Yea, Hath God Said ...
The Bible is the Word of God. This article shows why we can be certain that this is true: the Bible not only claims to be God's Word, but also seems and proves to be.
Effective Evangelism
God tells us that the preaching of the Word is the most powerful tool of evangelism. Are churches and members today being effective in this preaching of the gospel? This article weighs in.
The God-Appointed Agent of Evangelism
God uses the church, both its leadership and its members, as his agent of evangelism.
Our Living Savior and Lord
This article is about the Great Commission. God gives believers strength for evangelism and mission work.
Proper Sabbath Observance: The Sojourner's Sabbath
This is an article on the Sabbath—what it means for believers, how it has developed throughout history, and how we should observe the Sabbath today.
The Life of Faith
How do we live by faith? Faith sustains us and creates godliness and a desire to produce good fruit.
The Assurance of Faith
How can we know that we are saved? This article is about the assurance of faith, that it comes through the word of the gospel.
The Nature of Faith
What is faith? How do we receive faith? What does faith mean for us? This article addresses questions like these.
The Importance of Catechism Instruction
This article emphasizes the importance of catechetical instruction of the youth. A catechism is a valuable tool that helps believers become grounded in church doctrine.
Job 28 – Where Can Wisdom Be Found
God Only Wise
What is wisdom? How is the wisdom of God different from human wisdom? This article shows how God is wise in leading and guiding the lives of man by describing how God worked in the lives of Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph.
Contentment in the Wisdom of God
Does God know what he is doing? If everything falls within the will of God, why is there so much sin in the world? This article addresses questions like these, coming to the conclusion that Christians must trust in the wisdom of God in the midst of a fallen world.
Daniel 2 - The Glory and Empire of Christ
Nebuchadnezzar was a man in control, who sought to expand his empire (Daniel 2). Yet God taught him that He is in control of all things, and He alone reigns. In contrast to Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel understood that his ability, his authority and his hopes were subordinate to and dependent upon God. If Christ is not the center of our plans and our little empires, He will shatter them.
Christ's Miraculous Birth
Why was Christ's miraculous birth necessary? And why must we hold so strongly onto this doctrine of the virgin birth?
John 17:21 - "That They Might Be One"
In John 17:21, Christ prays for unity in His bride, the church. Why is this church unity important, and how is it achieved?
Scripture: God-Breathed and Profitable
Scripture is the Word which God has spoken. In 2 Timothy 3:16 Paul declares the divine origin of Scripture. All of Scripture is profitable, since it has originated from God.
The Church and Politics
How do we remain in the world, but not of the world? How do we witness to the world, while also keeping our church pure from serious sin? Should the church as a whole engage in politics? This article is about the ministry of the church.
Anatomy of a Church Plant
What is the anatomy of a church plant? This article discusses some of the principles from Scripture that are helpful for church planting.
The Heavenly Pattern of Worship
What is worship all about? The theology of worship can best be explained by the practice of worship. This article discusses the pattern and structure of worship in the Old and New Testament, drawing conclusions for worship today.
The Real Point of Worship
Resurrection Obedience
Christianity begins with who God is and what He has done for us in history. God has revealed His person and will by awesome and supernatural events, and Christ's resurrection is the centrepiece of His revelation and His redemptive acts throughout history. Christ's resurrection is indespensible for our justification and our sanctification.
Ephesians 6:4 - Edification - Not Provocation
This article explores Ephesians 6:4 as a biblical directive for family worship. Fathers are to bring up their children "in the discipline and instruction of the Lord", and one way this is done is through family devotions. Fathers must discipline and instruct their children.
The Lost Art and Practice of Family Devotions
What is the importance of family devotions? Why is family devotions becoming a lost practice? The reasons for doing it are numerous, and it must become a priority. This article talks about why family devotions are important, and how we can do them.
Kids, Character, and Catechism
When we develop the character of our children, we mark their souls morally and ethically. This parenting involves ploughing and planting the Word of God in them. One tool God provides for this is the catechism. The catechism provides children with solid, thorough knowledge in today’s confusing world. It gives a workable framework within which we can live.
Justified Now and Forever
How can you be justified now and forever? How can you be sustained in that state and not fall away? How does justification relate to the believer’s present and ongoing life?
Incarnation and Open Theism
What is open theism? Open theism denies that God has ordained the course of events. It therefore minimizes God's sovereignty and appeals to our sinful hearts. Our Christology determines our understanding of God’s relationship to creation. This article elaborates on how the person of Christ and His incarnation helps us to understand who God is.
John Knox and Public Prayer
If prayer is speaking to God in His own words, then this should shape the way public prayer is done. This was the concern of John Knox as he sought the reformation of worship. This article shows Knox's contribution to the structuring of public prayer and prayer during and after the Lord's Supper.
John Knox on the Scottish Reformation
In seeking the Scottish Reformation, John Knox made it clear that he was not seeking a political revolution. Instead, he was seeking the reformation of manners and abuses in religion. He understood that the goal of the Reformation was to see the gospel of Christ preached, sacraments administered, and idolatry destroyed. Most of all, Knox understood that the Reformation was God's work by God's people.
John Knox - Prophet and Pastor
How to Criticize Other Christians
How can one practice good criticism? Criticizing other Christians is not meant to destroy them, but to build them up. This article shows how one can exercise criticism that is based on loving the truth and defending it, while at the same time caring for the person being criticized.
Solid Comfort From a Familiar Verse
Is it possible to truly rejoice always? In this article on Romans 8:28, the author states that Christians can rejoice in both the good and bad things that happen to them. This is so because of God's sovereignty in all things. God's love directs everything He does for His children, and He is present in all circumstances.
Outreach - Where Church and Community Intersect
Looking at the gifts, interests and passions of each church member can be the key to identifying opportunities for witnessing. One must understand the community in which the church is situated as well as the gifts of church members in order to practice effective evangelism.
Debt and the Christian Life
Should a Christian ever take on debt? The author of this article shows that debt has a great impact on one's personal and relational life. It also impacts one's spiritual life and their ability to serve. The author gives advice on how to view debt, reminding the reader that we are stewards of what God has given us.
God's Law: Your Friend or Your Foe?
Is the law against the gospel? No. The law harmonizes with the gospel. The law is good, because it reveals God's character and it discloses His design for us. When used rightly, the law identifies sin and leads individuals to lead a life of love for God.
Finding Jesus in the Book of James
This article reflects on how to find the Lord Jesus in the letter of James. Consideration is given to the connection between James and the Sermon on the Mount, as well as the relationship between James and Jesus as brothers.
The Feast of the Resurrection
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is in line with the Old Testament feasts. Looking at 1 Corinthians 15, the author shows how the Paul is guided by Israel's festal calendar as it finds its fulfillment in the Christ's resurrection. This has a great bearing for the church, as she lives between the time of the firstfruits and the harvest.
Why Should We Sing all 150 Psalms?
Should the church still sing the Psalms today? Are they not songs of the old covenant? God's church is called to sing all the Psalms. In singing the Psalms, we learn about the life God calls us to, the beauty of Christ, and the justice of God. Singing the Psalms will also enrich God's church to think about some topics which may be difficult. In singing Psalms, we sing God's word back to Him.
Singing the Psalms With the Psalmist
Looking at Hebrews 2:11-12 and Psalm 22, the author shows how Jesus is the Psalmist who leads His church to sing about His work. The work of Jesus invokes gratitude and thankfulness in the believer's heart. Not only is the work of Jesus the reason for singing Psalms, but Jesus Himself joins His church in singing.
We Will Not Serve Your Gods
The book of Daniel presents a constant battle that faces every Christian: the battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. The many idols of this world exert an influence on believers. Christians must ask themselves: how are we going to live through this battle? The answer lies in Christ.
Democracy and the Denigration of Office
One threat facing the church today is that of egalitarianism or democracy, which has an effect on the church office. We need to promote the right view of office and authority.
Planning for a Minister's Retirement
How can the church care best for the future needs of the minister? Proper planning for retirement is one aspect of this. This article looks at the biblical example in the Old and New Testament of the provision God commanded for the priests and Levites. Such planning is important, and can be of great benefit to the church.
The Legacy of Geerhardus Vos
Geerhardus Vos' legacy can be celebrated with joy. His work still speaks for him today, but more especially, it speaks about the Christ he loved. This article looks at the work of Vos and the years he spent at Princeton. It also shares insights into his personal life.
The Personal Side of Charles Hodge
The personal life of Charles Hodge was of a man faced with trials, tribulations and disappointments. This article discusses these trials, and the strength that carried Hodge through them.
Faith and Learning: The Heritage of J. Gresham Machen
This article focuses on the heritage of J. Gresham Machen. The author focusses on his scholarly development from childhood to his death. Machen left the heritage of loving God's word and the Christ of the word.
How to Plant a Presbyterian Church
What is the best way of doing church planting? In this article, the author shares six steps of doing church planting. However, these steps are not a guarantee; church planting remains the work of Christ, who builds His church.
Responses to the Resurrection
God has given His church three written accounts that attest to the historical reality of Christ's resurrection. There were many different reactions to Christ's resurrection, including surprise, misunderstanding, and doubt. How will we react to Christ's resurrection?
Should We Still Believe in a Historical Adam?
Has the study of history proven the impossibility of believing in the historicity of Adam? This article addresses this question, warning the reader that questioning the historicity of Adam results in a drastic revision of the doctrine of original sin.
Evaluating the Claims of Scientists
Have recent DNA findings proven scientists to be correct about the origin of human being as a result of the evolutionary process? This article looks at the theory of evolution and its reliance on natural law. The author makes it clear that there is no reason to believe that humans are the result of evolution. There is an alternative explanation to these scientific findings: creation.
All Mankind Descending From Him...?
Was Adam a true historical human being, from whom all mankind descended? This question is posed as a result of scientific findings. Looking at Romans 5:12-19 and 1 Corinthians 15:21-22, the author answers this question by showing that failure to accept the historicity of Adam alters the biblical teaching on sin and salvation.
Let's Not Repeat the Sin of Jeroboam
The Church, History, and Politics
What should the relationship between the church and politics look like? This question is rooted in a bigger struggle; namely, the struggle of the church to relate to society in general. Sometimes politics is used by church members to try influence society. The author looks at church history to better understand how the church should relate to society. He focusses his discussion on freedom of religion and the difficulty in establishing a moral consensus.
The Godliness of Government
God has given us government for our good, to enable us to serve Him and others. This fact should encourage Christians to take great interest in politics and to play their role in voting when called to do so. God has put governments in place to restrain evil.
Are Charismatic Gifts for Today?
Is the Charismatic movement a gift of God to His church? Has God revisited His church with special gifts through the Charismatic movement? The author's answer is a big NO. The special gifts of the Holy Spirit must be understood in line with salvation history. God gave these gifts to authenticate the ministry of the apostles, not as signs of regeneration. Through the Spirit, Christ continues His work in His church through the ordinary means of grace.
Pentecost and True Spirituality
What is true spirituality? True spirituality can only be found by listening to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit speaks through His word, the Bible. Therefore, true spirituality should not be sought through a repetition of Pentecost. Pentecost should be understood in line with Christ's work; it cannot be repeated.
Facing the Charismatic Challenge
Acts 4:1-41, Acts 8:14-25, Acts 10:1-11:18 and Acts 19:1-17 have all been used to propagate the teaching that after regeneration one must still undergo an experience of baptism by the Holy Spirit. By examining the context of these texts, the author shows that such claims are false.
Christ's Humiliation
Part of Christ's humiliation was becoming a man in a sinful world in order to save his sinful people. The Lord of glory "made Himself of no reputation" (Phil. 2:7) by becoming one of us. Jesus Christ had to undergo the humiliation of being born in this world because he, as the Second Adam, had to be truly of the earth while still being of heaven.
Thanks Be to God for His Inexpressible Gift
This article is about giving generously in the collection. In his letter, Paul exhorts the Corinthian Christians to give generously, pointing to the Macedonian Christians as an example. Did the Corinthians really understand the extent of God's generosity to them in the gift of his Son? Our willingness to give shows that we belong to Christ.
Luther's Voice in Scotland
By 1560 some Lutherans, including Patrick Hamilton, had laid the foundation for the Reformation in Scotland that was led by John Knox. William Tyndale's English translation of the New Testament was also starting to circulate. This article is about the history of the reformation in Scotland.
Luther's Theology of the Cross
What was Martin Luther's theology of the cross of Christ and about God's revelation of himself?
Luther and the Reformation
This article is about the history of Martin Luther, the Reformation, the 95 theses, and Reformation theology.
How Could I Ever Be a Pastor's Wife?
What does being a pastor's wife involve? The author of this article is the wife of a pastor who speaks about her role in supporting her husband in his calling as minister. She encourages other pastors' wives to not be afraid or intimidated by the task.
The Lord's Supper vs. the Corinthians' Supper
There is little resemblance between the Lord's Supper today and the way it was celebrated by the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 11:17-22). What was wrong with the Corinthians' observance of the Lord’s Supper?
Signed, Sealed, and Delivered
What does the sacrament of the Lord's Supper signify to us? The Lord's Supper emphasizes that Christ's death is pivotal to salvation. The Lord's Supper also shows why Christ died, and how Christ's death is applied to believers.
Proclaiming the Lord's Death: The Evangelistic Value of the Lord's Supper
Sometimes pastors worry that the Lord's Supper will alienate visitors who have not yet proclaimed their faith or are not yet Christians. However, this author argues that the Lord's Supper can be an excellent tool for evangelism.
The Heart of a Little Girl
The Way of Weakness in Covenant Nurture
Election and the Covenant of Grace
With whom was the covenant of grace made? The covenant of grace was made with Christ as the second Adam, and in him with all the elect as his seed. In baptism God proffers to our children the truth and promise of the gospel - a truth which is accomplished through the work of Christ and applied by the Spirit, according to God's election and his enabling us to respond in faith. "If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise" (Gal.
Laughing with God at the Empty Tomb
In response to the efforts of men and demons to thwart his redemptive purposes, God himself laughed at his enemies on the day he raised his Son from the dead. But may we too join in God's triumphant laughter? There are three things to laugh about: 1) How our Lord's enemies incriminate themselves before Pilate. 2) How they unwittingly foretell His triumph over them.
A Fresh Perspective on Jesus Christ
The whole Bible speaks of God’s love. As Mediator of the covenant, Jesus Christ demonstrated such awesome love for his people that he suffered the most ignominious death, in order that we might live. However, he is also the Messenger of the covenant. As the Messenger he is love, but he is also holy, righteous, and jealous. We must view Jesus with both of these perspectives.
The Other Justification by Faith
What is justification? What is justification by faith? What is the 'other' justification by faith? In the real justification by faith, you have faith in what Christ has done for you. In the false version, you have faith in what you do for yourself. In whom do you put your faith?
Justification: Its Necessity and Grounds
This article is about the necessity and grounds of justification. Why do we need to be justified, and upon what basis are we justified?
James and Justification by Faith
What do Paul and James say about justification by faith? Paul clearly places the doctrine of justification by faith without works at the heart of the gospel. James and the other leaders in Jerusalem agreed with him. But if James taught the same doctrine as Paul, how can he speak as he does in James 2? This article provides an exegesis of this text and its doctrine.
John 1:14 - The Word Became Flesh
A Fragrant Aroma — An Acceptable Sacrifice
Are we partners in mission work? What should our relationship be with missionaries and other kingdom workers? It might be friendship, but it should also be a partnership. We must support them financially, which is an act of worship - a fragrant offering acceptable and pleasing to God.
Van Til's Critique of Human Thought
This article explains Cornelius van Til's method of critiquing human thought. Van Til used a method called transcendental critique, which seeks to get to the root of an individual's argument. Transcendental critique attempts to find out why an individual maintains a certain position. This technique can be useful for apologetics.
Van Til the Controversialist
This article is about Cornelius van Til the Controversialist. The nickname is based on an article that he published in 1976 entitled Calvin the Controversialist, which took on a subtle autobiographical character. Van Til developed and championed a presuppositional approach to the defense of the faith. He was consistent in affirming a Reformed doctrine of the church, and that, above all, is what rendered his work controversial.
Warren's Purpose Driven Life
This article is about Rick Warren’s book, Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For? There are some positive aspects to his book, such as his emphasis on the need to glorify God in all that we do. Yet there are also considerable problems with it; namely: the book focuses on the reader; Warren centres evangelism on personal experience and claims that personal testimony is more powerful than a sermon; Warren quotes scripture out of context; and there is a lot of self-promotion present in the book.
Who Runs This Church?
This article is about the fourth membership vow: "Do you agree to submit in the Lord to the government of this church and, in case you should be found delinquent in doctrine or life, to heed its discipline?" Who runs the church? Jesus is the only king and head of the church. How does he rule the church? He delegates his authority to pastors and elders and reigns through His Word and Spirit.
Submission to the Government of the Church: Is it Biblical?
This article is about submitting to the government of the church. Hebrews 13:17 says, “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.” Who are these leaders, and how should we submit to them?
The Pornography Trap
This article is about the pornography trap. What are men looking for in pornography? They are looking for God. How is this possible? Pornography is just a trap set by Satan to ensnare those who are looking for God. With God's help, you can pull out of the trap and move on toward what you hungered for all along: the thrill and satisfaction of God. Here the author discusses the negative effects of pornography, and practical ways to avoid the trap.
Sex is Like a Typewriter
God has created sex to be a beautiful thing in a marriage relationship. How is sex like a typewriter? God has designed sex and sexuality, and He is the best one to write the instruction book. Believers should seek to understand God's purpose in sex. God, who created us in the holistic unity of our bodies, souls, minds, and spirits, made our sexuality part of that wholeness. God reveals this design in the Scriptures.