John 1:1-18 - Jesus Christ: The Revelation of God
How John 1:5 Helps Me from Falling into Pessimism and Despair
Nathanael: The Man Who had his Questions Answered
John 1:5 – The Decisive Breakthrough of Light in the Darkness
John 1:35-51 – Christ’s First Disciples
This article is an exposition of John 1:35-51.
The Thought in John 1:3c-4
This article wants to work towards greater clarity on the meaning of the three clauses found in John 1:3c-4.
Heaven Opened: Intertextuality and Meaning in John 1:51
This essay considers the interpretation of John 1:51. The allusion to Jacob's ladder in Genesis 28 is used as a point of departure for the understanding of John 1. The significance of the title Son of Man in this context is also considered.
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Deity of Christ
This article offers some observations on the teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses on the divine nature of Christ. The author makes special reference to the translation of the last clause of John 1:1.
John 1:19-34 – John the Baptist’s Witness to Christ
This article is an exposition of John 1:19-34.
An Israelite in Whom There Is No Guile: An Interpretative Note on John 1:45-51
This paper is an exegetical consideration of John 1:45-51.
Christmas: The Word Tabernacles among Men
This article offers an explanation of John 1:14 and its mention of the Word dwelling among us. The article considers the Old Testament background, namely, the tabernacle as it's introduced in Exodus.
The Johannine Prologue: A Microcosm of the Gospel
What is the nature and function of the prologue of the Gospel of John? This article contends that John 1:1-18 provides the exegetical key to the right understanding of the entire book. It contains a summary of the main theological positions of John. The prologue is a "microcosm of the gospel" that anticipates John's presentation of God's purposes of salvation through the incarnation of the Son.
John 1:1-18 – Jesus Christ, the Son of God Incarnate
This article gives an outline of John 1:1-18. It shows that Christ is divine, distinct person of the Trinity, divine, Creator, and incarnate.
The Invisibility of God: A Survey of a Misunderstood Phenomenon
Is there a disparity between the Old and New Testaments on the doctrine of the invisibility of God? This article considers the evidence, suggesting to take seriously the Old Testament statements that God can be seen, and to reconsider what the New Testament passages (e.g., John 1:18, John 5:37, 1 John 4:12) claim when they refer to God's invisibility.
Directives in the New Testament: A Case Study of John 1:38
How should indirect speech be interpreted? In the New Testament, several passages of this nature are found, where the intended meaning of a statement differs from its direct meaning. Biblical interpreters from cultures where the style of communication is mostly direct easily miss the indirect meaning and instead interpret the statement in a direct manner. Montgomery looks at John 1:35-41 as a case in point.
John the Baptist's "Lamb of God" Affirmation in Its Canonical and Apocalyptic Milieu
This article considers the meaning of the "Lamb of God" metaphor as it is used by John the Baptist. The function of Isaiah 53 as a possible background is considered. The significance of the Lamb taking away the sins of the world as John formulates it in John 1:29, 36 is explored.
John – The Word (John 1:1-3)
Chapter 1 is an exposition and application of John 1:1-3.
The Nearness of God – Incarnation as Presence
In Chapter 1 Burns discusses the subject of the presence of God in John 1:1-18. The focus of the chapter is verse 14.
They Speak to Me
From John 1:1,14 this article shows how the tabernacle pointed to Christ.
Celebrating Thanksgiving at the Source
John 1:14 - The Word Became Flesh
The Incarnate Word of God
What John the Baptist Teaches Us About the Gospel
Looking at the ministry of John the Baptist from John 1, this article highlights two factors of John's ministry which point to the gospel: John's ministry was a ministry of comfort, and John was a witness to the Light.