Bible Breaking, Bible Bending, and Bible Believing
This article looks at three different attitudes people have towards the Bible: open denial of its truth, covert denial of its truth, or full belief and acceptance of it as truth.
The Bible Doctrine of the Separated Life
What is the separated life? The author addresses this question by theological yet also practical reflections based on Scripture. Some of the important aspects of the separated life include separation from sin, from occasions of temptation to sin, and from the world.
The Use and Abuse of Church History
This article considers the right and wrong regard for and use of church history.
The Christ
Cleared and Approved by the Supreme Court!
This article is about the supreme court of the universe - the judgment throne of God. It is important that we recognize that 'justify' and 'justification' are legal terms; they concern each Christian's relationship with God as Judge. Justification includes forgiveness of sins and being made righteous through the work of Christ.
We can never advance beyond the cross; we can never outgrow it and go on to other things.