Do You Take Care of the Body?
Why did God use the metaphor of the body to describe the church? This article looks at 1 Corinthians 12:12 to show how understanding this metaphor helps in finding your gifts.
5 Things You Can Give to God Every Day
The heart of productivity is glorifying God by serving others. It is giving back to him what he has entrusted to each of us. This article explains that there are five things you can give to God: gifts, talents, time, energy, and enthusiasm.
The Priority of Inward Grace over Outward Gifts in Religious Action
John Owen on Spiritual Gifts
Gifts of the Spirit are those without which the church cannot subsist in the world, nor believers be useful to one another and the rest of mankind. Gifts of the Spirit give the church its inward organic life and its outward visible form. This article is an expansion of this definition by John Owen.
Many Gifts, One Body
What does it mean that believers have differing gifts, and yet are members of one body? This article discusses the various roles of members of the congregation and the leadership of the pastor. Each member is critical for the proper functioning of the whole body, the church.
Outreach - Where Church and Community Intersect
Looking at the gifts, interests and passions of each church member can be the key to identifying opportunities for witnessing. One must understand the community in which the church is situated as well as the gifts of church members in order to practice effective evangelism.
John 21:21 - Mind Your Own Business
Concerning Spiritual Gifts (Part 1)
Looking at spiritual gifts, this article shows that a distinction must be made between talent and spiritual gifts. Another distinction must be made between sign gifts and non-sign gifts. Sign gifts were given during the era of the apostles. Today God uses non-sign gifts to build His church.
The Threefold Purpose of Spiritual Gifts (Part 2)
Distinguishing between miraculous "sign gifts" and "normal" spiritual gifts, this article shows that extraordinary sign gifts were given to the apostles for the purpose of authentication, for uniting the church, and for the edification of the church. These spiritual gifts are no longer given to the church today because God's revelation is complete. God works in His church today through non-sign gifts.