Giving is not only an act of worship, it is also an act of waging war. In this article the author shows that the church is militant, therefore resources are needed to wage the war against Satan. He calls you to see your giving as participating in this certain victory. How? 

Source: New Horizons, 2014. 1 pages.

Funding The War Against Satan

During WW I and WW II, the concept of “funding the war” described the crucial task of providing the resources needed for victory. And isn’t the preaching of the gospel even more necessary and urgent? How about the tasks of Christian education, home missions, and foreign missions? What priority do they have locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally? Are we persuaded of giving with a sense of what we are funding? Do we see the ministries at the end of our dollars as life-and-death issues – the preaching of Christ crucified in the church and to a lost world?

In the New Testament we read, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil” (Eph. 6:11). We are the church militant! Do not underestimate the enemy! After all, “your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). The Scriptures also teach us to “take every thought captive to obey Christ.” Your whole life is engaged in this struggle – and that includes your giving. Resources for gospel ministry are needed now!

While Satan’s attacks stretch throughout history, the response of God is sovereign and the fulfillment of his promises is enduring. God said to that ancient Serpent, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel” (Gen. 3:15). God fulfilled this promise in the coming of his Son and in Christ’s death on the cross. The battle over sin and its misery is won by the Savior as he fulfills the ancient promise on the cross.

The warfare between God and Satan should generate a life-and-death sense of urgency to support and sustain gospel ministry with all the means that God gives us and to do so from generation to generation. The title of John Bunyan’s book reflects this: The Holy War, Made by King Shaddai upon Diabolus, for the Regaining of the Metropolis of the World or the Losing and Taking Again of the Town of Mansoul.

Do you know that those who serve on the denominational Committees on Christian Education, Home Missions, and Foreign Missions have a passion for ministries that are not happening or are restrained in their scope because of finances? At this moment, they are giving thanks to God with the rest of the church for the giving that met the 2013 Worldwide Outreach budget – they had prepared for cuts in ministry in view of possible shortfalls in giving.

Those serving on these committees are passionate for the gospel, zealous for discipling, and ready to have the gospel run far and wide! They are not complainers. They are not the disgruntled of the earth. Rather, they are endeavoring to serve Christ and his church with every dollar that comes to them for God-glorifying ministry! Each of our general secretaries, as he serves the church with grace, has stories he could tell of ministry denied because of lack of funds. You would rejoice with what these general secretaries and Committees would facilitate in the service of Christ, if they had expanded resources.

J. I. Packer wrote: “Today, pastors often tell us that when people become Christians, the last thing in their life to be touched by God’s transforming grace is regularly their wallet.”

Realistic budgets and projections of giving must be drawn up as the people in the churches pour out their hearts in offering to God, remembering that “the war to end all wars” focuses on the cross and the empty tomb. Take up your cross and follow Christ. There is a greater victory to be won through WWO than even in WW I or WW II. May we have more and more opportunity to rejoice with the angels of heaven!

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