The Benefits of Private Devotions
The Secret for Reading Half of the Bible in Just Thirty Minutes
This article considers how to start the discipline of reading whole Bible books in one sitting, for personal devotions. It explains that half of the Bible's sixty-six books could be read in thirty minutes or less. Above all, it emphasizes that while finishing the day's reading exercise is important, it remains subordinate to the ultimate goal of fellowship with God in Bible reading.
Don't Miss the Point: Questions to Ask While Reading Scripture
This article offers some questions to ask for learning and applying God's Word in personal devotions.
Personal Devotions
This article looks at the importance of Bible reading, meditation, and prayer in doing personal devotions.
Why We Fail at Family Devotions
Having family devotions should be the desire of every Christian family. Do you find your family devotions failing after attempting to hold them? This article discusses five reasons that cause family devotions to fail.
Reading the Bible for Personal Devotion
Bible reading for personal devotions is important. This article offers seven tips for nurturing your daily devotions and eight motivations for reading the Bible for personal devotions.
The Morning Watch
Daily devotions should not just be a Bible study, and should not be a religious duty. What must it be? This article answers this question by giving practical ways of conducting personal devotions.
Devoted Devotions
No More Dark Trails
Ephesians 6:4 - Edification - Not Provocation
This article explores Ephesians 6:4 as a biblical directive for family worship. Fathers are to bring up their children "in the discipline and instruction of the Lord", and one way this is done is through family devotions. Fathers must discipline and instruct their children.
The Lost Art and Practice of Family Devotions
What is the importance of family devotions? Why is family devotions becoming a lost practice? The reasons for doing it are numerous, and it must become a priority. This article talks about why family devotions are important, and how we can do them.
Rejoicing At Thy Word
This article on Psalm 119:162 ties in with the article In Awe of Thy Word. Here the author discusses rejoicing in the word. Sin can sometimes take away the joy of reading the Bible. This article shows that our attitude toward Bible study and devotions is crucial to developing this joy and delight.
In Awe of Thy Word
How should we approach reading the Bible, Bibly study, and devotions? What attitude should we have? Believing that the Bible is God's inspired word will create an attitude of awe. Christians should view God's word as governing every aspect of their life. The author looks at this awe from Psalm 119:161.
Seeking His Face
This article is about seeking God daily through personal devotions, prayer, and church attendance.
Suggestions for Personal Bible Reading
The Sinkhole Syndrome
Family Worship and its Benefits
This article looks at the benefits of family worship. Though doing family devotions has its challenges, it is also a beautiful gift from God.