Some Reflections on Retirement
The Aged Christian Ready for His Departure
The Aged Christian in His Closet
The Aged Christian in the House of God
The Aged Christian and His Bible
The Joys of Old Age
The Trials of Old Age
The Temptations of Old Age
The Duties of Seniors
Reflections on Old Age
How Caring for the Elderly Points Us to the Gospel
Why is it that we have fear of old age? It is because we hate dependency and define ourselves by being needed. This article shows that caring for the elderly should point us to the gospel and deal with our fear of old age.
The Sunshine and Shadow of Aging
With Greater Age Comes Greater Sorrow
Old age has its own sorrows. This article discusses five of them.
With Greater Age Comes Greater Joy
Old age should not be burdensome. This article explains the joy that accompanies old age.
Greater Age Brings Greater Responsibility
Do you think of your retirement as a time in leisure? Have you considered that old age brings with it greater responsibility? This article explains five responsibilities of old age.
Aging Brings Life-Shaping Decisions
Do you think of your retirement as a time of leisure? Old age has its temptations too. This article discusses decisions that are essential for godliness in old age. There are five of them.
Psalm 92:12-14 - Profiting From Old Age
Senior Saints
The God of Old Age
The Best is Yet to Come
Taking hold of God's promises, using opportunities well, possessing humility, developing contentment and applying biblical wisdom are the ingredients to facing old age full of joy instead of regret.
An Unmessianic Sense of Non-Destiny
The author of this article discusses the challenge of the mid-life crisis. The author states that it is important to throw away the lie that every individual is unique and special, which makes us out to be like messiahs. Only Christ is unique and only the church has a special destiny. The sooner that is embraced, the better individuals can appreciate old age.