Revelation 4:1–10 - The Vision of the Heavenly Throne
Revelation 4 - Our God is an Awesome God: He Reigns from Heaven Above
Heaven: What Is It? Heaven Series: Part Two
Shouting in the Apocalypse: The Influence of First-Century Acclamations on the Praise Utterances in Revelation 4:8, 11
What is the possible origin of the praise sections in the book of Revelation? Seal argues that John shaped his praise utterances according to the form of acclamations shouted to dignitaries of his time. The article first defines acclamations before discussing their form and function in John's Roman world.
Casting Crowns
Preaching and the Real Battle for Worship (1)
"Oh, what God is this?!" Won't it be wonderful if these are your words after hearing a sermon? Preaching should lead to worship similar to that of Revelation 4. The minister has a calling to behold God unto the church.