Man's First Task on Earth
Language and Salvation
This article explains the relationship between language and salvation: God uses language for our salvation, and we use language to show our gratitude.
The Fall’s Effect on Language
This article shows how the fall affected the use of language in how we communicate with God and others. It also shows how redemption changes the language in these two relationships.
Many Languages
This article traces the development of many languages from Genesis 11. It shows how from there, language worked to separate God’s people from the world.
Relevance Theory and the Translation of Scripture
Jobes underlines the importance of Bible translation. She reflects on Bible translation through her outline of a biblical theology of language. She also explores relevance theory as it bears on the question of translation. Jobes works toward conclusions on what characteristics a translation must have to be faithful.
Let the Reader Understand – Truth, Language, and Sin
The volume is a study of hermeneutics. In Chapter 1 the foundation is laid for a proper understanding of the task of interpretation of Scripture by spelling out the presuppositions of responsible interpretation.
Text as a Guide to Authorial Intention: An Introduction to Discourse Criticism
What is discourse criticism? This paper considers human communication and language through texts. It focuses on communication that takes place above the sentence level and how it can help in the analysis of biblical texts.
The Historical Background of Genesis 11:1-9: Babel or Ur?
This paper proposes a historical event behind Genesis 11:1-9 that speaks to two results of the Tower of Babel incident: the diversity of language and the scattering of the builders of the Tower.
Poor Prose is Poor Theology
Planned Parenthood's Politics and the English Language
This article is on the topic of abortion and the sale of fetal tissue. Looking at Planned Parenthood's practice of selling tissue from deceased fetuses, this article shows how language can be used to obscure the truth.
Symphonic Theology: Twelve Maxims of Symphonic Theology
In seeking to apply the theory of perspectivism to Bible reading, this article shares principles that must govern such an application of perspectives. These principles are: aspects of the use of language, the relationship between systematic theology terms and biblical terms, the limitedness of knowledge we possess, the different perspectives of biblical writers, and the biblical motifs and their relationship to the biblical message.
Symphonic Theology: Words and Precision
Applying the theory of perspectivism to the reading of the Bible, the author of this article looks at the relationship between perspectives and meaning of words. The author shows that ordinary and biblical language can be used by individuals to say an indefininate number of things. This can make translating and interpreting the Bible difficult.
Oaths And Slang
Calling for Christians to rethink the use of "bathroom" and sexual slang, this article shows that while on occassion Scripture does have some slang language, its use is different from how it is used today. Considering the use of God's name as slang, this article calls for reverence to God in our speech.
William Tyndale - Covenant Theologian, Christian Martyr: Background And Early Biography
This biography on the life of William Tyndale looks at the early life of Tyndale, his education, and his work. Focus is given to the first efforts of translating the Bible into English and the hostile context he faced, since having the Bible in the vernacular language was criminalized.
Speech: Bomb or Balm
Once More: Thou / Thee / Thy / Thine and Standard Usage
Acts 2:1-11 – Babel Reversed
Language and Corruption
God, Grammar and Gender
Lingua Frankly - Inclusive and Personal
Bible translation is important. The view of the function of language and the task of the translator are no less important. One of the major stimuli to reevaluating the task of translation has been the feminist movement within the church. The discussion has largely centred on the use of gender-specific language, both of human beings and God.