The Signs of the Times: Matthew 24:43-51
The Signs of the Times: Matthew 24:36-42
The Signs of the Times: Matthew 24:32-35
The Signs of the Times: Matthew 24:29-31
The Signs of the Times: Matthew 24:23-28
The Signs of the Times: Matthew 24:15-22
The Signs of The Times: Matthew 24:9-14
The Signs of the Times: Matthew 24:4-8
The Signs of the Times: Matthew 24:1-3
Going through the Great Tribulation
A Note on Matthew 24:10-12
This article's main point is that if the Gospels of Matthew and Luke did use Mark, they also knew early non-Marcan traditions of the life and teaching of Jesus well. Matthew 24:10-12 functions as a case in point.
Matthew 24:12-13 – Contempt for God's Law and Love Growing Cold
Matthew 24:11-13 – The Great Apostasy
In Matthew 24:11-13 Christ spoke about the end of times. This article considers this passage, especially as it looks at apostasy as the sign of the end of times.
Matthew 24:6-8 – Wars: Sign of the End
From Matthew 24:6-8 this article shows that war has the following implications for a Christian: it is the sign of the end of times, it is God’s judgment, and it is a call to follow Christ.
Sheep & Goats in Court
Matthew 24 – The Least of These
This article highlights the theme of Jesus as prophet in the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24.
The Worldwide Preaching of the Gospel
From Matthew 24:14 this article shows that the preaching of the gospel to the whole world will precede the second coming of Christ. This preaching is about the kingdom, and its purpose is to save the elect and render people without excuse.
Matthew 24 – The End of the World
This article is an exposition of Matthew 24. It shows how Christ referred to the destruction of Jerusalem as a pointer to the final judgment and the end of the world.
A Defence of (Reformed) Amillennialism (Part VII)
This article critiques J. Marcellus Kik's interpretation of Matthew 24:3-35, and rejects it as a postmillennial idea that is not supported by the broader text of Scripture.
A Defence of (Reformed) Amillennialism (Part V)
This is a continuation of the defence of amillennialism in contrast to other theologies of eschatology. In this article, the author grapples with the difficulties of Matthew 24.
A Defence of (Reformed) Amillennialism (Part IV)
In this article on amillennialism, the author stresses that the contents of Revelation 20 disprove rather than affirm the postmillennial position. The main supporting arguments are those prophetic events given by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 24.
Abounding Lawlessness
From Matthew 24 this article shows how lawlessness shows itself in the world and the church.
A Defense of (Reformed) Amillennialism – Matthew 24
By looking at the place of signs characterizing the coming of Christ, and the place of the antichrist from Matthew 24, this article argues that postmillennialism has no basis in Scripture. Instead, it argues for the position of the amillennialism.
The Gospel according to Bart: A Review Article of "Misquoting Jesus" by Bart Ehrman
This article reviews Bart Ehrman's book on textual criticism, Misquoting Jesus. It introduces the field of textual criticism and Ehrman as a scholar.
"This Generation" in Matthew 24:34: A Literary Critical Perspective
To what does "this generation" refer in Matthew 24:34? In this article, the author proposes literary characterizations of the disciples and shows how these are keys to the interpretation of the parable of the fig tree in Matthew 24:32-35.
The Sources of Paul's Teaching on the 2nd Coming of Christ in 1 and 2 Thessalonians
In this essay the author wants to show that Paul's teaching in 1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians on the second coming of Christ parallels the teaching of Jesus in the Olivet discourse recorded in Matthew 24, Matthew 25, Mark 13, and Luke 21.
Eschatology Lecture Notes
This article is on the topic of eschatology, looking at the Olivet Discourse (which is based on Matthew 24). The author discusses Revelation 20 and the topics of the millennium, the antichrist, and the man of lawlessness (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12).
Matthew 24:1-51 - The Coming of the End
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 24:1-51.
Language and Corruption
Matthew 24:15 – The Hour of Holocaust
The Lawless Generation
This article is about lawlessness in the end times. The author looks at 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Matthew 24:11-13 and obedience in the church.
Matthew 24 – Footsteps of the Lord
Preaching to All Nations, Then the End
This article is about the preaching of the gospel to all the nations as a sign of the end times. The author also discusses Matthew 24:14, the coming of the kingdom of God, the health and wealth gospel, and the effectiveness and purpose of preaching.
The Great Persecution
This article about the great persecution (the persecution of the church) in end times, is about the great tribulation and the antichrist. The perseverance of the believers is also discussed, as well as the text Matthew 24:15-35.
World Calamaties
This article on the signs of the times before the return of Christ, is about world disasters. The author also discusses Matthew 24:6-8, disasters and our prayer, prosperity, and the antichrist.