This article is an interview with a Christian banker about the relationship between his faith and his work. The author asks questions regarding loans, usury, materialism and witnessing in the banking world.
In this article on 1 Corinthians 13, the author focuses on the different aspects of love that this chapter describes, as well as the relation of love and spiritual growth.
What is the role of women in the church? This article considers some of the scriptural data on the matter before discussing whether they may exercise leadership in the church, particularly in the special offices.
This article is about the wilderness experience Israel had when they were freed from Egypt, and how this kind of faith experience is true for all Christians.
This article considers the question of whose children are to be baptized. It first gives attention to the nature of the church, discussing especially the matter of the visible church and the invisible church. It then identifies what are the criteria for church membership.
This article is about God and suffering and tragedy. The author looks at how we as Christians should react to tragedies, especially in the way we try to defend God.
This article looks at church discipline, but starts with focusing on the Christian life in general as a disciplined life. It then continues by looking at the church as a disciplined community, and at love as the dominant feature of Christian discipline.
This article interacts with the question of whether a confession like the Westminster Confession of Faith should ever be changed. It discusses why we should not change the confession, what is lost when churches do change the confession, and why the confession is important for us today.
For evangelism to function well in a church, it must have a shared vision, a shared impetus, a shared dependence, a shared experience, and shared resources.
This article offers a biblical perspective on the family in church and society. Included in the discussion are the topics of the erosion of the family and marriage as the framework for the family.
This article is about faith in a pluralistic society. Is pluralism really the answer? Can you really just believe what you want as long as it is useful for your life? What about truth?
This article looks at how the Lord's Supper was viewed in church history. It starts with the Passover Feast and ends with the confessions in the 16th Century.
Were many of the religious wars really about religion? And is there such thing as a just war? This article is about the idea that war is caused by religion.
When you see all the different churches there are, how do you know which one you must attend? This article presents the three marks of the church as helpful indicators of a gospel church.
In this article on postmillennialism, the author first focuses on how it was viewed in history. He then continues by showing different strands of postmillennialism, after which he discusses the distinctives of this view in eschatology (universal proclamation of the gospel, the conversion of Israel and the fulness of the Gentiles, and the coming of the Antichrist).
This article starts with some biblical principles regarding environmental issues, and then continues to look at climate change, its impact as well as the work done to generate electricity cleanly.
This article is about the local church as evangelism agent. The author first looks at church, world and missions, then at four mission principles for the local church.
Just how can we benefit from sermons? This article answers by explaining what preaching is: it is instruction, an encounter with the living God, and intended to persuade and enable.
How do you deal with an illness in a godly way? This article is an autobiographical account of someone's challenges in their sickness, and how they came to learn dependence on God afresh.
This article is about the resurrection of Jesus Christ as a fact, as a vindication, as a guaranteed future for believers, as important for non-Christians.
This article is about postmodernism and the message the church has in this time. The author discusses reality, radicalism and relationships, and also the challenges postmodernism poses to the church, church planting and evangelism.
This article is about freedom of speech and truth: worth killing for or worth dying for? The author looks at the difference between Islam and Christianity in this regard.
This article discusses the Westiminster Assembly, particularly its historical background, its makeup, its documents (the Confession and Catechisms), and its outcome