Philo and the Epistle to the Hebrews
Can we speak of an influence of Philo of Alexandria on the letter to the Hebrews's Christology? This article reflects on this question and the relationship between Acts 7 and Hebrews 1-Hebrews 4.
Stephen's Defense and the World Mission of the People of God
This paper focuses on three aspects of Stephen's defense in Acts 7 that may have led to a change in attitude towards the early Christian gathering in Jerusalem. One of the aspects is the scope of the work of God and the presence of God.
Stephen's Speech – A Possible Model for Luke's Historical Method?
The strong historical element in the speech of Stephen in Acts 7 invites study of Luke's historical method and his theology.
Preaching Christ (Part 11)
This is the eleventh article in a twelve part series on the topic of preaching Christ. Looking at Acts 7, this article looks at Stephen's preaching showing how New Testament preachers used the Old Testament to point to Christ. Stephen preached Christ through highlighting Israel's history.
Acts 7 - Stephen’s Defense
Acts 7:54-8:1a - The First Christian Martyr
Acts 7:1-53 - Stephen's Sermon (Part 2)
This article is a Bible study on Acts 7:1-53.
Acts 7:1-53 - Stephen's Sermon (Part 1)
This article is a Bible study on Acts 7:1-53.