Why Should I Believe that Jesus Rose from the Dead
Do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead? Many people deny the historicity of the death of Jesus and his resurrection. This article discusses the facts of his resurrection and what that means for you now and on the last day.
Christianity Isn't Just about Forgiveness
Is Christianity simply about forgiveness? This article argues that the gospel message is about not only forgiveness but also restoration through the resurrection of Jesus.
... According to the Scriptures
Paul on Justification and the Final Judgment
What is the relationship between justification and the final judgment in Paul's writings? This article argues that the final judgment should be thought of in relation to the resurrection of Jesus.
Easter Spells Victory
A Tomb with a View Ceremonial is Out the Back Window, Resurrection Life Out the Front
Resurrection: Essential or Optional?
Is belief in the resurrection of Jesus essential or optional? This article examines the evidence for the resurrection through three lenses: the gospel tradition, skeptical scholarship, and faith. It concludes that faith in the risen Christ is essential.
The Resurrection Narratives in Matthew's Gospel
The Gospel of Matthew's account of the resurrection of Jesus is regarded by many scholars as the least reliable historically. This article does not provide definitive answers to the questions raised, but it indicates some of the avenues that could be further explored. The relationship of Matthew 28 to the other gospels is examined. The major arguments that supposedly justify treating Matthew 28 with suspicion are each considered in turn.
The Resurrection of Jesus in Luke
The purpose of this essay is to discover the historical basis that lies behind Luke's account of the resurrection of Jesus. The focus is on solving the historical question through an attempt to set down the historical evidence Luke supplies.
Why the Resurrection Is No April Fools’ Prank
Why is the resurrection of Jesus so important to Christianity? This article shows that the resurrection is so important because of its exclusivity, significance, specificity, and investigability.
Resurrection and Parousia of the Son of Man
The resurrection of Jesus is central to the Christian faith. This article argues that resurrection is essentially a feature of the last times and the outstanding aspect of the Christian hope. The New Testament makes it evident that the resurrection of Jesus was linked not only with his death but also with his parousia. The major theme of this study is the nature and significance of this connection.
Hallucination Theories to Explain Jesus' Resurrection?
Is the hallucination theory enough to explain the resurrection of Jesus? This article examines the claims of this theory and gives twenty reasons why it fails to explain the resurrection.
Defending the Resurrection of Jesus
Did Jesus rise from the dead? There are four hypotheses that seek to explain away the resurrection of Jesus. Looking at the biblical account of the resurrection of Jesus, this article shows why these hypotheses cannot stand.
Jesus and Creation: Jesus’ Resurrection and Creation
If Christ Be Not Risen...
This article is on the topic of the resurrection of the body. Scripture speaks about resurrection frequently throughout the Bible. This article focuses on the resurrection of Jesus in the New Testament, and ends with a discussion on the resurrection of the Christian – what is it, and why is it important to the Christian life.