Contemporary Revivalism
Reforming Church Music
Charles Grandison Finney: Revivalist (4)
This article examines Charles Finney's revivalism efforts, discussing whether revival is biblical. The author discusses this by looking at the doctrine of the covenant and preaching.
Charles Grandison Finney: Revivalist (3)
Charles Finney is often viewed as the father of the Second Great Awakening. This article looks at whether revivals and revivalism are biblical.
Charles Grandison Finney: Revivalist (1)
The author of this article names Charles Finney 'the father of American revivalism'. This article looks at the Second Great Awakening and gives a brief overview of Finney's life, conversion, and preaching.
The Great Awakening: 18th Century
This article on church history gives the account of the revival movement in America, which was known as the Great Awakening. Focus is given to the revivalism under the preaching of Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. The author also evaluates the impact of revivalism on God's church.