Abortion: Being a Voice for the Voiceless
Life in the Universe
Is there extraterrestrial life? In order to answer this question, this article compares the biblical and the scientific definition of life. The author says that since God created the other planets, if there is life on them, glory must be given to God for the wonder of His creation.
The Brevity of Life
Mark 8:35 - Saving and Losing
Right to Die Becomes Obligation
In light of the growing trend to legalize euthanasia, this article shows that legalizing euthanasia changes the meaning of life from objective to subjective.
Major Principles of Living the Christian Life
Jesus Christ is Life
The Holy Spirit - His Work in the Economy of Salvation
This article is about the Holy Spirit who gives life and new life (regeneration), who works in creation and new creation. This is also the Spirit who enlightens us and leads us in all truth. He is called the Preserver and Realizer of God's work.
What is Your Life?
Genesis 3:20 - And Adam Called Her Eve
The Sanctity and Dignity of Human Life
Ezekiel 16:6 - God's Life-Giving Love
“In Wisdom You Made them All...”
Turning Forty
Abortion: Philosophical and Theological Considerations
This paper is motivated by the appearance of two rather recent books on the issue of abortion, both written by Christians who disagree on the subject. The first, takes a pro-abortion position. The second takes an anti-abortion position. This paper offers some reflections on abortion, enlivened by these two Christian and yet very different sources. The author talks about politics and abortion, human rights and life as gift from God.