In the fourth plague in Egypt, God filled the land of Egypt with flies. What is the significance of these flies? From Exodus 8:20-32 this article explains the significance of the plague of flies.
In the third plague in Egypt, God filled the land of Egypt with gnats. What is the significance of this plague? From Exodus 8:16-19 this article explains the significance of the gnats’ plague.
In the first plague in Egypt, God changed the water of the Nile to blood. What is the significance of this plague? From Exodus 7 this article explains that this plague points to God’s judgement.
In the fifth plague and sixth plague in Egypt, God struck Egypt with the death of livestock and boils. What is the significance of these plagues? From Exodus 9:1-12 this article explains the significance of these two plagues.
This article is an introduction to the ten plagues God brought over Egypt. The author looks at the unfolding of Genesis 3:15 (the enmity between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman) in the ten plagues of Exodus 7-11.