Infant Baptism and the Scriptures
The Value of Your Baptism
John Calvin’s Assessment of Antipaedobaptism
How did Calvin react to those who were against infant baptism? By looking at the principles he used to argue against the opposers of paedobaptism, this article shows what the church can learn about the importance of infant baptism.
Should Christians Baptize Their Children?
Should children of believers be baptized? This article looks at God's promise in the covenant. It explains the relationship between circumcision and baptism, then it shows that infant baptism is biblical. Some objections to paedobaptism are addressed.
Let the Little Children Come to Me
Based on the covenant this article argues for infant baptism due to the status children have in God's covenant and in the church. It also answers arguments against paedobaptism.
Baptism The Debate Behind The Debate
Covenant Sign And Seal: The Symbolic Significance Of Circumcision (Part 2)
Does the New Testament commands us to baptize children? This article shows that this is a wrong question to ask.
Covenant Sign And Seal: The Symbolic Significance Of Circumcision (Part 1)
This article is about the covenant God made with Abraham in Genesis 17. The author discusses the symbolism of circumcision as the sign of the covenant; namely, it showed that an individual was part of God's people and belonged to God, and was a symbol of the removal of sin. In this article, this understanding of the covenant and the symbolism of circumcision is applied to paedobaptism.
Acts 2:38-39: Peter's Pentecost Appeal
This article looks at the relationship between circumcision and baptism, with a focus on the baptism of children under God's covenant promise. This paedobaptism is supported by Peter's appeal in Acts 2:38-39.