Revelation 12:13–17 - The Woman Persecuted
Revelation 12:13–17 - The Woman in the Wilderness
Revelation 12:7–12 - The War in the Heavenly Regions
Revelation 12:1–6 - The Woman, the Man-Child and the Dragon
Revelation 12-16 - Lord Christ Confronting His Enemies
Revelation 12 - Watch Out for the Angry Dragon
What Does It Mean to Conquer the Devil?
How can Christians gain victory over Satan? There are three things essential to conquering Satan. The article explains them based on Revelation 12:11.
The Cross and a Frustrated Devil!
Whatever the devil tries to do against God, God is able to take it and turn it to fulfil his purpose. His attempt against the cross led to his defeat. From Revelation 12 and Luke 10:18 this article shows the history of Satan's frustration as his plans are defeated.
Understanding the Times: An Introduction
Christians are engaged in spiritual warfare. From Revelation 12 this article explains the enemy and the nature of the conflict, which is crucial to understanding our times.
Revelation 12:3-4 - A Great Fiery Red Dragon
Working from Revelation 12:10, this article shows that Satan operates as the accuser of believers. Satan points believers to their sins, making them doubt God's forgiveness. However, believers can be assured that Christ has achieved victory over sin and death.