Preparing for the Lord's Supper: Self-examination and the Sure Promise of God
Preparing for the Lord's Supper: Self-examination and the Sure Promise of God
From the Form for the Celebration of the Lord's Supper⤒🔗
Self-examination is an important aspect of the celebration of the Lord's Supper. The Form for the Celebration of the Lord's Supper tells us that true self-examination consists of three parts. This meditation focuses on the second part.
Second, let everyone search his heart whether he also believes the sure promise of God that all his sins are forgiven him only for the sake of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ and that the perfect righteousness of Christ is freely given him as his own, as if he himself had fulfilled all righteousness.
With You there is Forgiveness←⤒🔗
This week is the week of preparation before the Lord's Supper. During these days of preparation I must concentrate on the Lord Jesus and on the cross. I ought to do that always! The Lord knows how difficult that is for me. It is just a normal week. I throw myself into my work; I am fully absorbed by the everyday things. I know that God approves of that. It is not in contradiction to the holy feast of next Sunday. Yet I need to prepare myself. In Psalm 130 I read: "...with you there is forgiveness...!" Right now I want to ask God to ensure that nothing will stand in the way of my understanding these words well. "With you there is forgiveness...!"
Do I actually need that forgiveness? And — am I really willing to say this? Do I really believe this?
I ought to consider this carefully. I ought to remind myself of the first part of the self-examination, and again confess: because of my sins I deserve God's wrath. That is the way it is. And now the point: I must let go of everything, and indeed expect all things from Jesus alone. He died on the cross a shameful and bitter death. My God — with you there is forgiveness!
Surely, I cannot claim that nothing sinful has happened in the months past. I cannot claim that I have done no wrong and therefore can attend the Supper with a self-confident heart. I can no longer compare myself with others and draw some favourable conclusions for myself. There is nothing for me to hide behind. Because I am standing at the cross, face to face with Christ! No one stands between us. At the cross I find myself standing ... guilty.
And yet ... with you there is forgiveness? At first thought that this had little to do with the statement: 'because of my sins I have deserved God's wrath.' Yet that is not so, as I realize now. The first is the extension of the second statement. If I do not know anything else but my sin and God's wrath, then I am the most miserable of all people, and then this preparation week is the worst of all weeks.
I am standing at the cross of Christ Jesus.
How shameful and bitter was his death!
Sometimes I just do not know what to do.
Often I do not even recognize myself.
I do not know the way to my own heart.
At times I am even afraid of my own thoughts.
I am stuck fast in my own sin.
Yet — I remind myself of that cross. That's where Jesus Christ died. Why did He die? To let me share in his righteousness. No longer do I need to detest myself. Thanks to the cross of Christ, God's loving-kindness awaits me.
May I believe that? Do I dare to believe that? Does that fill me with deep awe and thankful reverence?
Yes Lord — with you there is indeed forgiveness! YOU have said this yourself! Please work it in me through your Holy Spirit.
Readings for the Week of Preparation←⤒🔗
Singing: Psalm 86:1, 2←⤒🔗
Turn Thy ear, O LORD, and heed me;
Answer me, I'm poor and needy.
I, who serve Thee constantly,
Trust that Thou wilt rescue me.
Thou, LORD, art my God and Saviour;
Show to me Thy grace and favour.
Cheer Thy servant, gladden me:
I lift up my soul to Thee. -
Thou art good, Thy grace astounding,
And in steadfast love abounding.
When we call, O LORD, be nigh;
Listen to my troubled cry.
Thee I call, for Thou art near me;
None among the gods will hear me
Or is like Thee, LORD benign,
And no works compare with Thine.
From the Scriptures←⤒🔗
Psalm 130←↰⤒🔗
Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD; O Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. If you, O LORD kept record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared. I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. O Israel, put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption. He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins.
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