Leviticus 16 – Two Shall Become One Flesh, Part 2: The Day of Recoverings
This article discusses the events of Leviticus 16, known as the Day of Atonement. Multiple atonements happened on that day, and this article goes into some detail on the nature and purpose of these.
Living Like the Azazel Goat in Romans 12:1b
The Old Testament does know of a "living sacrifice." The article demonstrates that the difference between the Old Testament and New Testament concepts of "spiritual life" is the way in which the believer becomes the sacrifice in the New Testament. It seems reasonable to think that the "living sacrifice" of Romans 12:1b may have an Old Testament precedent, and the article argues in the direction of the ritual for the Azazel-goat of Leviticus 16.
Jesus and the Day of Atonement
From Leviticus 16:15-16, 20-22 this article shows how the goats on the Day of Atonement were pointing to the atonement of Christ.