Review Article: J. W. Mealy – After the Thousand Years
How should the millennium (thousand years) in Revelation 20 be interpreted? In this article Beale reviews J. W. Mealy's After the Thousand Years, and engages critically with his interpretation and methodology.
What about Revelation 20? (Part 3)
The author continues to deal with Revelation 20 as a Scripture text supporting amillennialism rather than premillennialism. Specifically, the issue of the binding of Satan for a thousand years is dealt with. The issue of the literal or figurative interpretation of the thousand years is also discussed.
The Apocalyptic Interpretation of Thomas Brightman and Joseph Mede
In the seventeenth century two commentators on the Bible who helped to fan the interest in the coming of the kingdom of God were Thomas Brightman and Joseph Mede. This essay compares the comments of these two men on the book of Revelation.
The Millenium
Looking at Revelation 20, this article examines the various interpretations of this text from the perspective of postmillennialism, premillennialism, and amillennialism. The author maintains that a proper interpretation of the text is rooted understanding God's promise to Abraham, as well as the meaning of Revelation's "thousand years".