Revelation 20:1-10 - Jesus Returns as King to Continue His Final Clean-Up
Revelation 20:11-15 - Jesus Returns as Judge to Complete His Final Clean-Up
The Second Death and Penal Substitutionary Atonement
What is the second death? The second death is hell, which is set for those who do not believe in Christ. The article explains from Revelation 20:6 why the penal substitutionary atonement of Christ is the only way we can be saved from the judgment.
The Doctrine of the Last Things: The Tribulation
The Doctrine of the Last Things: The Antichrist
The Doctrine of the Last Things: The Final State of the Wicked The Second Preliminary Sign - Satan's Little Season
Understanding the Millennium
The Return of Christ: Millennium Matters
Revelation 20:11-15 – The Day of Judgment
Revelation 20:7-10 – The Definite Destruction of the Devil
Revelation 20:4-6 – The Heavenly Glory of the Saints
Revelation 20:1-3 – The Binding of Satan
A Defence of (Reformed) Amillennialism
A proper reading of Revelation 20 does not support the view of postmillennialism. This article exegetes the passage and shows how it gives grounds for amillennialism.
Why Not Postmillennialism?
This article offers a thoughtful analysis of the postmillennial and amillennial views in light of Scripture and the outcome of events in history. While appreciating the effort among postmillennials to understand Scripture, the author sees the amillennialist view as correctly reflecting the prophecy of Scripture. The author also includes a discussion on the interpretation of such difficult Scriptures as Revelation 20.
A Present or Future Millennium?
The author is of the opinion that the subject of the second coming of Christ should be studied, as with all other passages, by means of the analogy of faith. The author uses this method to deal with such Scriptures as Revelation 20 in his argument for amillennialism.
The Millennial Reign
In this conclusion to the series of articles on the millennial reign, the author seeks to explain the temple vision seen by Ezekiel, and harmonize it with the context of the millennial passage in Revelation 20.
The Millennial Reign (Part 8)
In this eighth article on millennialism, Hughes identifies the thousand-year period mentioned in Revelation 20. The author states that this is the time of the gospel age, the age of worldwide evangelism to the unregenerate, and the age in which Christ must rule until every enemy is subdued.
The Millennial Reign (Part 7)
In this seventh part of the articles on millennialism, the author now considers what would be the nature of the "first resurrection" in Revelation 20:4-5.
Review Article: J. W. Mealy – After the Thousand Years
How should the millennium (thousand years) in Revelation 20 be interpreted? In this article Beale reviews J. W. Mealy's After the Thousand Years, and engages critically with his interpretation and methodology.
What about Revelation 20? (Part 4)
This is a continuation of the role of Revelation 20:4-6 in the debate on amillennialism, or other theologies such as premillennialism and postmillennialism. The author focuses on the believer's reign with Christ, explaining the identity of the saints, the nature of the first resurrection, and the role of the "rest of the dead."
What about Revelation 20? (Part 3)
The author continues to deal with Revelation 20 as a Scripture text supporting amillennialism rather than premillennialism. Specifically, the issue of the binding of Satan for a thousand years is dealt with. The issue of the literal or figurative interpretation of the thousand years is also discussed.
A Defence of (Reformed) Amillennialism (Part IV)
In this article on amillennialism, the author stresses that the contents of Revelation 20 disprove rather than affirm the postmillennial position. The main supporting arguments are those prophetic events given by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 24.
What about Revelation 20? (Part 2)
The author seeks to prove that the millennium spoken of in Revelation 20 is parallel to the events in Revelation 19. Thus, the author points to the repetitive nature of the book of Revelation, arguing for Amillennialism as scriptural.
What about Revelation 20? (Part 1)
This article presents a critique of premillennialism, by way of the study of Scripture passages that appear to support it. The main arguments upon which the premillennialists base their arguments are noted, mainly from Revelation 20.
A Defence of (Reformed) Amillennialism (Part II)
The author explains what is meant by the terms amillennialism and postmillennialism. With reference primarily to Revelation 20, the author then refutes the view of postmillennialism.
Triumph and Delay: The Interpretation of Revelation 19:11-20:10
This article considers the meaning and significance of Revelation 19:11-Revelation 20:10. It argues that the vision therein depicts the victory of Christ over Babylon. It is seen as the climax of the preceding vision, and should not be read as the start of a new section.
Har Magedon: The End of the Millennium
This essay is a study of the significance and function of "Har Magedon" in Revelation 16:16. Kline wants to show how his interpretation leads to the recognition that "Har Magedon" is Mount Zaphon and that the Har Magedon battle is the Gog-Magog crisis of Ezekiel 38 and Ezekiel 39.
Making Sense of Revelation 20:1-10? Harold Hoehner versus Recapitulation
This article offers a critique of an essay Harold Hoehner wrote on Revelation 20:1-10. White argued that the text records a recapitulatory sequence of visions whose contents are related to the return of Christ in 20:7-10.
Genre and Hermeneutics in Revelation 20:1-6
What type of literature is Revelation 20:1-6? The decision about the literary genre of this chapter is one of the most crucial factors in its exegesis and interpretation. Is this chapter a simple report concerning the future, apocalyptic vision, prophetic prediction, or something totally different?
Revelation and Pauline Eschatology
There are many conflicting interpretations of Revelation 20. This study wants to examine this passage in the light of the eschatology of Paul.
The Apocalyptic Interpretation of Thomas Brightman and Joseph Mede
In the seventeenth century two commentators on the Bible who helped to fan the interest in the coming of the kingdom of God were Thomas Brightman and Joseph Mede. This essay compares the comments of these two men on the book of Revelation.
Revelation 20: A Thousand Years of Vindication
Eschatology Lecture Notes
This article is on the topic of eschatology, looking at the Olivet Discourse (which is based on Matthew 24). The author discusses Revelation 20 and the topics of the millennium, the antichrist, and the man of lawlessness (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12).
Postmillennialism (9)
How should one interpret Revelation 20:7-9? After evaluating Herman Hoeksema’s interpretation of this text as related to the teaching of postmillennialism, the author of this article provides an alternative interpretation.
Postmillennialism (8)
How should one interpret Revelation 20:7-9? After evaluating Herman Hoeksema’s interpretation of this text as related to the teaching of postmillennialism, the author of this article provides an alternative interpretation.
Postmillennialism (7)
This article discusses the postmillennialist interpretation of Revelation 20, with a focus on Revelation 20:7-9.
Postmillennialism (6)
Postmillennialism teaches that Jesus will return after the millennium. The controversy around this teaching centers around the interpretation of Revelation 20:1-10. This article discusses the postmillennial perspective on this passage of scripture.
Postmillennialism (5)
Postmillennialism teaches that Jesus will return after the millennium. The controversy around this teaching centers around the interpretation of Revelation 20:1-10. This article discusses the postmillennial perspective on this passage of scripture.
Postmillennialism (4)
Postmillennialism teaches that Jesus will return after the millennium. The controversy around this teaching centers around the interpretation of Revelation 20:1-10. Should this passage be understood literally or figuratively?
Postmillennialism (1)
This series of articles builds off of a previous series entitled The Millennium. Although they are distinct perspectives, premillennialism and postmillennialism hold some things in common. In their treatment of Revelation 20, both expect the literal fulfillment of the millennium, the earthly realization of the Messianic kingdom. Also, both see the Jews racially as the special people of God. In this article attention is given to the teaching of postmillennialism.
Chapter Three: The Millennium (3)
This trilogy of articles builds off of a previous series entitled The Intermediate State, looking at the topic of end times. This series looks at the text of Revelation 20:1-10, discussing the amillennialism perspective on this scripture passage.
The Millennium (3)
This trilogy of articles builds off of a previous series entitled The Intermediate State, looking at the topic of end times. This series looks at the text of Revelation 20:1-10, discussing the amillennialism perspective on this scripture passage. One must understand the sybolic nature of the book of Revelation. Revelation 20 is a description of the present gospel age.
The Millennium (1)
This trilogy of articles builds off of a previous series entitled The Intermediate State, looking at the topic of end times. This series looks at the text of Revelation 20:1-10, discussing the premillennialism and postmillennialism perspectives on this scripture passage. The author maintains that interpreting this text wrongly puts the unity of scripture at stake and threatens the Christian hope.
The Millenium
Looking at Revelation 20, this article examines the various interpretations of this text from the perspective of postmillennialism, premillennialism, and amillennialism. The author maintains that a proper interpretation of the text is rooted understanding God's promise to Abraham, as well as the meaning of Revelation's "thousand years".
The Doctrine of Last Things: Satan's Little Season
Preterism, The Millennium, and Historical Contingencies
Is all prophecy in the Old and New Testament fulfilled? How should we understand prophecy? The author of this article looks at the text of Revelation 20, and adopts preterism as an approach to studying the prophecy and eschatology of the book of Revelation.
Revelation 20:1-6 - What about Revelation 20? - Part 1
In these four articles the author discusses the Millennium from the viewpoint of Revelation 20:1-6. The first article is about the premillennialists' reading of Revelation 20. The author then continues to look at the structure of the book of Revelation and what this means for the understanding of Revelation 20:1-6. After this he expounds Revelation 20:1-6 (third and fourth article).
The Binding of Satan
A Millennial Reign, but How?
What Will the Final Judgment Mean for You?
Why do saved believers also have to be present at the last judgment? What does this final judgment mean for believers? This article discusses Revelation 20:12-15 in relation to this.
How Many Resurrections are there?
This article looks at the resurrection from the dead in Scripture, specifically also in Revelation 20. The author also discusses premillennialism.