The Intermediate State
What happens between death and the resurrection? What happens when a Christian or an unbeliever dies? This article looks at the false teachings of naturalism, modernism, and soul sleep.
What happens between death and the resurrection? What happens when a Christian or an unbeliever dies? This article looks at the false teachings of naturalism, modernism, and soul sleep.
What happens to you when you die? This article focuses on the intermediate state, looking at the difference between body sleep and soul sleep, and how the biblical teaching on the intermediate state determines how believers bury their dead.
This article explains the teaching of soul sleep ("psychopannychism"), and follows up with why this teaching is not biblical. The believer who dies is immediately with the Lord Jesus.
This article addresses the notion of soul sleep after death, and what John Calvin had to say about it. He said that the soul is immortal, and after death waits consciously for the resurrection.
This is the fourth of six articles about the intermediate state, death, and what happens when Christians die. This article maintains that after death believers have uninterrupted covenant communion with Jesus Christ. Christians must guard this doctrine under the threat of naturalism and modernism.The article also looks at the idea of soul sleep.