John 11:1-44 - Jesus Christ: The Resurrection and the Life
How Jesus Defines "Love"
What is biblical love? This article shows how the Lord Jesus defined love in John 11:3-6, in the account of him raising Lazarus from the dead.
John 11 – The Saviour: Weeping and Conquering
I Am the Resurrection and the Life
John 11 – The Raising of Lazarus
This article is Part Two of the exposition of John 11.
John 11 – The Raising of Lazarus
This article is Part One of an exposition of John 11.
Suffering, Love and Glory
The Gospel according to Bart: A Review Article of "Misquoting Jesus" by Bart Ehrman
This article reviews Bart Ehrman's book on textual criticism, Misquoting Jesus. It introduces the field of textual criticism and Ehrman as a scholar.
When Love Lets Us Suffer
Contextual and Genre Implications for the Historicity of John 11:41b-42
Are the sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of John historically reliable? As a test case, this article considers John 11:41-42, the prayer Jesus offered before Lazarus's resurrection.
John 11:17-45 - "Do You Believe This?"
John 11 - When God Disappoints Us
When things go wrong it is common for Christians to feel that God has disappointed them. This article shows us how to deal with such feelings by looking at Mary and Martha in John 11. For these two women, their relationship with Christ was essential, and they brought their problems to Christ.