What It Costs to Be a True Christian
This article considers some of the costs of becoming a Christian. This will cost someone their self-righteousness, sins, love of comfort, and the favour of the world.
The Rejection of the Classical Doctrine of God and What It Says about the State of the Evangelical Movement
This article finds fault with the popular evangelicalism of the past few decades and sees it as a crumbling edifice. The source of this demise is evangelicalism's understanding of the doctrine of God, the doctrine of Christ and redemption, and the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, especially his work in regeneration and sanctification.
Why Celebrate Christmas? Three Reasons to Rejoice in the Birth of Jesus
The article provides three reasons to celebrate and rejoice at Christmas. These reasons involve the devil, sin, and the kingship of Jesus.
Biblical Servanthood Is Established by the Trinity
This article discusses the subject of biblical servanthood by looking at how the three persons in the Trinity relate to one another.
The Secret of Deliverance from Evil
What is the secret of being delivered from evil? This article answers this question by referring to Proverbs 16:6. What is being mainly addressed there is the issue of deliverance from sin. The fear of the Lord is explained in this article in a way that is practical to the believer's everyday life.
The Biblical Gospel
This article mourns the misunderstanding now prevalent in relation to the gospel of Christ. It starts with an attempt to provide a biblical understanding of the use of nouns and verbs related to the word "gospel" and proceeds to explain what is meant by that word. The definition covers the basic message of the biblical story and also details how it must be told today in order to faithfully reflect the biblical message.
How to Study Theology
This article provides some advice to those who are called to study theology and then to fulfill the calling of being preachers of the Word. Topics in this article are the practices of prayer, meditation, and testing.
The Immeasurable Love of God
Observing that the love of God is immeasurable and unconditional, the author exhorts believers to seek that love yet keep in mind that they have limitations in their ability to totally grasp it.
God's Lachrymatory
Onward and Upward: Traveling Toward Zion in the Psalms of Ascents
This article examines the Songs of Ascents that comprise Psalms 120-134. The author attempts to trace the link between these psalms by studying literary aspects such as common references of words, and themes. The themes of ascending and pilgrimage feature prominently in the article.
The Real Presence: What Is It?
What is the presence of God? Where is it? What is the nature of it? This article addresses these questions by considering the doctrines of God's presence in the world, Christ's real spiritual presence, and Christ's real bodily presence.
God's Foreknowledge
Loraine Boettner offers a philosophical argument against the Arminian view of the foreknowledge of God.
Of God and His Perfections
This article seeks to describe in some detail the nature of God as revealed in Scripture. This discription therefore includes in it the identity of God as Spirit, and then also describes him in terms of his incommunicable attributes—he is infinite, omnipresent, omniscient, and eternal.
The Religious Life of Theological Students
This article considers what the devotional life of theological students might look like. Important are matters like study, devotion, prayer, and religious exercise.
What Is Darwinism?
The Incomparable Excellency and Holiness of God
How do we meditate on the holiness of God? How can we approach him in praise and exaltation, given that we battle with sin? This article provides a long discussion on those situations where we are aroused to shout or sing of God's great holiness.
The End of the Wicked Contemplated
The author argues that when God finally executes his wrathful judgment on ungodly people on the last day, the saints will witness it. But what will be the effect on the saints in witnessing this event? The rest of the article attempts to answer this question. The author contends that the saved will not be brought to grief when they see the suffering of the wicked.
The Biblical Message of Reconciliation
Regarding the doctrine of reconciliation, this article notes the contemporary shift in focus from a strictly personal and religious sense to teh significance of reconciliation of social relationships. While not dismissing the need for this aspect in the doctrine, the author argues that the core focus must be upon the redemptive work of Christ.
The Subsistence of God
This article explains the nature of God in terms of his subsistence as well as his essence. It relates to the distinctions of the persons of the Trinity which are nevertheless one in essence.
Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy in the Epistle of James
The epistle of James in the Bible seems to be dominated by orthopraxy (a focus on ethical themes). Despite this dominance of orthopraxy, the article argues that the ethical themes in James are clearly linked to doctrinal teaching. It is further demonstrated that James, in fact, offers a way of linking doctrinal teaching and ethical instruction.
If God Is Sovereign, Why Do Anything?
The author of this article explains why a person should not think in terms of "indifferent fatalism." This explanation includes the role of man's choices within the overall sphere of the sovereignty of God.
Experiencing the Love of God
This article describes a believer's experiencing the love of God. It touches on aspects such as the sonship that God's love communicates to the believer, the work of the Spirit in the believer, and the response that a believer ought to give, having received the love of God.
The Once and Future Calvin
This article views Calvinism as a theology that faithfully represents the teaching of the Bible. Further, the author foresees the future of this teaching as one that will lead to a global revival of Christianity. The rest of the article explains in detail the reasons why this author is so positive about the future of the teaching of John Calvin.
The Morality of Everlasting Punishment
The consensus in orthodox Christianity regarding what awaits those whose sins remain uncovered by the blood of Christ on Judgment Day is that of unending conscious punishment. However, this belief is being questioned even by some Reformed theologians. The author addresses this subject, arguing in favour of the doctrine of everlasting punishment.
The Fear of God
The article lets us investigate what the word "fear" means, especially when used with respect to God. In the process, the author also leads the reader to understand the consequences of not fearing God, as well as how godly fear should show in the lives of believers.
A Breathing After God
The article offers a devotional study of a godly man's heart as it is supposed to pursue God and the goodness of God..
What Is Literal Interpretation?
This is a contribution to the dispensationalist-nondispensationalist debate. In this debate, not all dispensationalists use the word "literal" in the same way. The author examines this key word more closely, by way of examples, and then offers three plausible ways of talking about literal meaning.
The Gradual Conquest
The Lord told the Israelites who were ready to take possession of Canaan that he would gradually conquer the nations occupying the land. In a similar manner, God also brings about this kind of gradual conquest in the life of someone battling sin and evil and coming to salvation.
The God of Love
The article explores the attribute of the love of God. It describes love as a character of God with respect to other attributes such as his omnipotence, omniscience, holiness, and justice. The article also explores ways in which God's love is involved in the salvation of God's people.
The Soul in the Depths of Sin
In this article, the author explores the various situations and the depths of sin that a soul may fall into.
Directions against Sinful Fear
What can one do to avoid fear that is sinful? This article engages with this question and provides some directions. The subjects discussed include the fear of God, fear of the devil, the fear of men, and the proper grounds for fear that is not sinful.
A Priest Forever: Christ and the Melchizedekian Priesthood
This article explores the description of Jesus in the epistle to the Hebrews in terms of the priesthood, as a high priest forever in the order of Melchizedek. This office is thus also described as an integral part of the redemptive work of Christ.
But Spiritual Discernment Is Wholly Lost Until We Are Regenerated
This article, an excerpt from John Calvin's Institutes, reminds us that human beings are spiritually dead until they are regenerated by the Holy Spirit.
Did the Author of the Fourth Gospel Intend to Write History?
This article answers the title with an affirmative Yes. However, it is the explanation to this answer that is important. The author explains that the Gospel of John not only presents history, but a biographical history of Jesus.
Christian Liberty
The author considers how to harmonize statements in Scripture that point to Christian liberty with the fact that we are also still under obligation to obey the law of God. It defines the scriptural import of Christian liberty, how it is deliverance from the wrath of God, the power of the devil, the bondage of sin, the authority of man, and is a deliverance unto the service of God.
The Everlasting Covenant: The Believer's Support under Distress (Part 2)
The author discusses what it means to be in the covenant of God, which is an everlasting covenant. This discussion covers especially those instances where the person in the covenant goes through distress, and thus it draws examples from the biblical figures such as Abraham, Jacob, and David. Further, the author also discusses the nature of this covenant as it concerns God and his promises.
This article considers the unity of the Trinity in Christ's command to baptize disciples.
The Moral Law
This article discusses the Antinomian controversy. This controversy was about whether or not the moral law is applicable today. The writer engages passages in Romans. Other aspects of the discussion involve the view of the law as a covenant of works versus the covenant of grace.
The Doctrine of Original Sin: A Comparison of Augustine, Pelagius, and Aquinas
This paper discusses the theological views of Augustine, Pelagius, and Aquinas on original sin. The contention of the author is that one's estimation or understanding of the grace of God is determined by their view of original sin.
The Assurance of Salvation
What is assurance of salvation? This article deals with this cardinal teaching, which can also be related to the perseverance of the saints. The author discusses such aspects as the foundation of assurance, hindrances to assurance, and the experience of assurance.
The Religion of the Blind Watchmaker
This article presents a critical debate between the pro-Darwinian and anti-Darwinian scholarship, as well as between evolutionists and creationists.
Liberty in Christ
This article has as its basis the Westminster Confession of Faith, chapter 20, sections 2-3. The topic is on the freedom of the conscience and the nature of authority over that conscience. It further has to do with one's approach to the law of God.
The article looks at the destructive effects of advertising these days. This advertising is appropriately contrasted to the teaching of the Lord, which instead focuses on the truth.
What Is the Word of God?
This article is a detailed discussion on the nature of the word of God. It involves a survey of different views in the history of theology about this subject. The author includes the views of Thomas Aquinas, Anselm, and Augustine, and moves to the views of the Reformation and afterward.
Delighting in Doing Good
Delighting in doing good and the glorification of God are closely connected for a believer. This article explains how.
The Rapture
What will be the nature of the return of Christ and what will the rapture be like? This article addresses these questions, which are concerned with eschatology.
Enjoyment Is Not Optional
Neotheism: The Dangers of Making God in Our Image
This article describes neotheism as a new view of God in theological scholarship. After describing the characteristics of this new worldview, the author then also sets up objections to this view of God. The objections touch on the topics of creation ex nihilo, predictive prophecy in the Bible, the test for false or true prophecy, and God's ultimate victory over evil.
Christ Himself in the Assemblies of His People
This article explains what it means that the Lord Jesus is present in the midst of those gathered as his church. In the explanation, the author includes describing this gathered group as an institution of God's redemptive grace. Also included are the requirements needed to constitute such a gathering and the promises that God gives to his people who are part of such a gathering.
The Consistency of Divine Sovereignty and Human Accountability
The author wrestles with the question of the sovereignty of God and human responsibility. The sovereignty of God seems to take away from man's responsibility or accountability. On the other hand, human responsibility seems to rob God of his sovereignty. The author searches for the biblical relationship between these two concepts.
Is Infant Baptism Scriptural?
The author attempts to answer the question of the title of this article by dealing with the basis of baptism, and specifically infant baptism, as understood from the Presbyterian view. The main points of the arguments include baptism as established by the Lord Jesus, and its relation to the covenant of circumcision in the Old Testament.
The Sovereignty of God over Evil
Does the sovereignty of God mean that he is the author of sin, that he is the cause of sin, or that he ordained sin or permits sin? This article addresses the matter.
Why We Baptize Infants
This article offers an explanation of infant baptism.
The Order of Application
What is the order of the application of redemption? The article deals with this question and establishes the order of salvation: calling, regeneration, faith and repentance, justification, adoption, sanctification, perseverance, and glorification.
Cruising for a Bruising: Scientology's Relatives of Gnosticism and Satanism
In this article, the author discusses the religion of Scientology and traces its links to both Gnosticism and Satanism.
The Heavenly Priestly Activity of Christ
Jesus Christ continues in heaven in his priestly office. This article explains this office of Jesus Christ. The author speaks of this high priestly ministry of Christ in terms of his sympathy and his intercessory role on behalf of believers.
The Holiness of God
On this topic of the holiness of God, the author starts by attempting to understand the meaning behind the Hebrew term used for the English word "holy." Suggestions include holiness as separation and as an expression of relationship. The author then goes on to describe the holiness of God as revealed in Scripture.
The Westminster Confession of Faith, Part III: The Catechisms of the Westminster Assembly
In this part of the series on the Westminster Confession, the author focuses on the process of producing the catechisms, as far as can be obtained from the records that remain. The author discusses some doctrinal issues that were the subject of extended debate.
The Work of the Westminster Assembly, Part II
In this article, the author continues in presenting the historical events that led to the design of the Westminster Confessions. The details in this part of the article cover events from the time the Assembly was convened, on July 1, 1643, to November 25, 1647.
Whatever Happened to God?
The article deals with the deficiency that the author sees as appearing in most church worship and in the lives of believers today. These deficiencies include lack of proper doctrinal teaching such as on the doctrine of God, and substitution of useful teaching with increased attention to information that comes through television.
Prophesy and the Israeli State
Do the Old Testament prophecies of Israel point to a fulfilment that takes place after the New Testament? The author looks at pre-exilic prophecies of Israel and contends that none of them is still outstanding, at least as far as the nation of Israel and the land is concerned.
The Westminster Confession of Faith: The Calling of the Westminster Assembly
This article describes the history behind the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Larger Catechism and Shorter Catechism. The author in this part of the historical narrative starts with the calling together of the Westminster Assembly in the early years of the 1640s.
The Christmas-Easter Connection
What connections can be drawn between the events of Christmas and Easter? The article deals with this question and attempts to draw a continuous line between the birth of Christ, his death on the cross, and his resurrection.
Gospel Development: A Cross-Centered Vision for Global Change
What is Gospel Development? What is its place in the life of the church and believers, and in light of the need for community development? This article deals with these questions as it looks at the role that Gospel Development is taking in various communities. In the process the author notes that Gospel Development is gracious, and brings hope and honesty. The author also looks at various foci of the Gospel Development, which are people, the fruit of the Spirit, and the truth.
Why Not Postmillennialism?
This article offers a thoughtful analysis of the postmillennial and amillennial views in light of Scripture and the outcome of events in history. While appreciating the effort among postmillennials to understand Scripture, the author sees the amillennialist view as correctly reflecting the prophecy of Scripture. The author also includes a discussion on the interpretation of such difficult Scriptures as Revelation 20.
The Intention of the Cross, Examined
This article examines the doctrine of the atonement of Christ as a teaching that has received a lot of attention and has been the subject of much debate in the past. At issue in this article is the Reformed claim that Christ died for only the elect (limited atonement). This is opposed by those who claim that this would mean a limiting of the power or effect of Christ's atonement. The author deals with this issue on the basis of scriptural arguments raised from both sides of the debate.
The article treats the subject of the millennium by reflecting on the interpretation of some parts of the book of Revelation as well as two Old Testament passages commonly viewed as predicting an earthly millennial kingdom, and by offering a short description of amillennial eschatology and a sketch of some of the implications of this position,
Hedonism and Heresy A Brief Critique of Dan Brown's Book Entitled, Angels and Demons
This article provides a critique of Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. In the critique the author mentions the heresy of inviting Christians to rely upon science instead of on the word of God alone. The author also also takes time to point out some factual errors in the book, including historical divergencies, location divergencies, divergencies in religious facts, and scientific and technological inaccuracies.
The Five Solas of the Reformation
The article presents the five solas of the Reformation, giving the basis or origin of each of these solas. The five solas are: sola Scriptura, soli Deo gloria, solo Christo, sola gratia, and sola fide.
Interpreting the Old Testament Prophecies
In this article, the author sets out to provide some basic ideas about prophecy in the Bible that are not well understood today. In the process, the author expresses disappointment with popular prophecy today. The author also mentions what is here called the "five periods of prophecy," which are the early monarchy in Israel, the Assyrian judgment, the Babylonian judgment, the restoration period, and the intertestamental period.
A Discourse of Mortification
This article inquires on the nature of mortification. It therefore explores such terms as sin, spiritual warfare, dying to sin, and dying to this world.
Of Man's Chief End and Happiness
What is the main purpose designed for man and what is his greatest joy? This is a catechetical study based on the Westminster Shorter Catechism. The article thus proceeds to discuss the glory of God and man's enjoyment as answers to this question.
God Glorified in Conversion
What processes are involved in conversion? The author reflects on this subject of conversion, paying particular attention to the place and nature of saving faith and repentance unto life.
A Present or Future Millennium?
The author is of the opinion that the subject of the second coming of Christ should be studied, as with all other passages, by means of the analogy of faith. The author uses this method to deal with such Scriptures as Revelation 20 in his argument for amillennialism.
The author compares carnal discontentment with spiritual discontentment, finding that one is beneficial while the other is merely a burden.
The Only Way
In this article, the author presents the Christian way as the only way. It presents the believer's life here on earth as militant, yet also victorious. The article has Ephesians 6:10 as one of its focal texts.
The "Coming" and Its Precursors
This article investigates the events associated in Scripture with the coming of Christ. It therefore also deals with eschatological terms such as parousia, revelation, and the day of the Lord. Further, references are also made to the time of the end, rule, authority, and power.
Growth in Grace
"Growth in grace" is another way of referring to spiritual growth and is part of sanctification. This article discusses the necessity and signs of spiritual growth. Further, advice is given as to how one can grow in in grace from day to day: devote attention to Scripture, engage in regular fervent prayers, set times of fasting, and pursue spiritual exercises.
Law and Grace
This article offers a theological discussion on the relationship that must be understood in the church between law and grace. In particular, the author seeks to find the proper place of the law of God in the life of the believer. The discussion, therefore, includes an exploration of such phrases as "under law," "under grace," the Mosaic covenant, and holiness.
The Rationale of Hell
The idea of the infinite magnitude of sin in God's estimation is compared to the magnitude of sin in its punishment. In doing this the author of the article engages the views and sermons of Jonathan Edwards who used particularly the theme of hell in his evangelistic sermons.
The Millennial Reign
In this conclusion to the series of articles on the millennial reign, the author seeks to explain the temple vision seen by Ezekiel, and harmonize it with the context of the millennial passage in Revelation 20.
The Direction of Grief: Remembering
This article explains that grief moves toward restoration. The author places in view the experience of suffering loss or sorrow and its value in the life of a believer.
This article is a study of the doctrine of sanctification. A large part of the article is spent on analyzing various theologies of sanctification, including the Pelagian, Medieval, and Roman views, the mystical view and the evangelical views of sanctification.
This article describes the process of sanctification. There are also counterfeits of sanctification, which include moral value and superstitious belief. The article then touches on why sanctification is necessary, the signs of true sanctification, encouragements for sanctification, and how to attain sanctification.
The Salvation of All Men
John Calvin explains what is meant when God says he wants to have all men saved (1 Timothy 2:3-5). In the process, Calvin also seeks to show that this text should not be used to invalidate God's election of his people. Rather, it must still be understood in view of God's sovereignty even in the matter of salvation. The impact of this view on world evangelism is also debated.
The Millennial Reign (Part 10)
In this part of the series on millennialism, the author reviews the past and future events as understood by both the premillennialist and amillennialist views, and finds that the latter conforms more to the general scriptural message than the former.
The Millennial Reign (Part 8)
In this eighth article on millennialism, Hughes identifies the thousand-year period mentioned in Revelation 20. The author states that this is the time of the gospel age, the age of worldwide evangelism to the unregenerate, and the age in which Christ must rule until every enemy is subdued.
The Millennial Reign (Part 7)
In this seventh part of the articles on millennialism, the author now considers what would be the nature of the "first resurrection" in Revelation 20:4-5.
The Uses of the Gospel and the Law
The article carefully articulates the several uses of the gospel message and the law, both in the context of believers and unbelievers.
The Millennial Reign (Part 6)
The author emphasizes the point that the binding of Satan narrated in Revelation 20 was effected through the ministry, sacrificial death, and exaltation of Jesus Christ. Further in this article, the author discusses the identity of the souls who had been beheaded, who were reigning with Christ in the millennium.
The Moral Law and Its Relation to Believers
This article considers the relationship between the Mosaic law, the natural law, the moral law, and the gospel. The moral law of the Old Testament is also argued as part of the law that the New Testament church must take and heed.
Are Restoration Prophecies Being Fulfilled Today?
The article refutes the views that the biblical prophecies foretelling the restoration of Israel are currently being fulfilled, which is a dispensationalist view. The return of Israel as spoken of in passages such as Isaiah 11:11, Jeremiah 29:14, and Zechariah 8:1-8 is therefore established as referring to the return of Israel from the Babylonian exile.
The Millennial Reign (Part 5)
The author demonstrates that the binding of Satan has already taken place. This becomes evident when Jesus announced that his coming meant that he had first bound the strong man, Satan, before he plundered his house.
Complete Grace
What different categories of theology exist? This article presents three: Pelagian, Semi-Pelagin, and Calvinist. It discusses each, and has a special focus on the third and its biblical underpinnings regarding the condition of man after the fall.
The Millennial Reign (Part 4)
Revelation 20:1-10 speaks of the binding of Satan so that he does not continue to deceive the nations for the millennium. The author explains what is meant by these words, according to the amillennialist understanding, while refuting the views of the premillenialists.
Complete Submission
This article presents the account of the healing of Naaman the Syrian in 2 Kings 5 as a picture of the gospel of Christ and of how a sinner comes to repentance and salvation. This picture is portrayed to show God's initiative, the uncompromising force of God's word, the necessity of the sinner's personal humility and obedience to God's command, God's grace, and the perfection of his salvation.
The Millennial Reign (Part 3)
The author continues on the topic of millennialism and here criticizes the dispensationalist view, that the current age is a kind of a parenthesis, a period made necessary by the failure of the Jews to come to Christ at his first coming. This view further states that when Christ comes for the second time, the Jews will have been evangelized and come to faith, and there will have been a period of severe tribulation.
God's Word and Obedience
In this article, a connection is made between loving to spend time to read and know the Word of God as well as being able to do it. In the process it is also shown that even the moral law is part of the law of God, and to be loved and obeyed.
The Millennial Reign (Part 2)
In this continuation of the discussion on millennialism, the author focuses on the teaching of dispensationalists, who are known to be premillennialists.