Quiet Time
Rejoicing at Thy Word
Though a true believer knows that God’s Word should stir up rejoicing from within him, he also knows that this is not always the case. This article shows that sin can take away the joy of reading the Bible. It also shows how our attitude is crucial to reading the Bible. By rediscovering this joy, devotion time, Bible study and preaching will always be a delight.
Hesed as Obligation: A Re-Examination
Opinion is divided over the meaning of the Hebrew term "hesed." This article examines the use of ִ"hesed" in the Old Testament, particularly in the setting of human relationships and the relationship between God and his people. It also considers the Hebrew terms with which ִ"hesed" is most closely associated. It concludes that at the heart of ִ"hesed" is loving commitment within the context of a relationship.
The Religious Life of Theological Students
This article considers what the devotional life of theological students might look like. Important are matters like study, devotion, prayer, and religious exercise.
Practice Your Devotion
It is your private devotion that fuels your public reputation of godliness. This article explains that devotion is rooted in a relationship with the Lord. It then discusses ways of practicing your devotion.
The Duty of Devotion
Whether it be devotion to family or personal devotions, Christians should honour the virtue of devotion. This article explains the purpose, pattern, danger and duty of devotion.