Know Thy Enemy
Mortification, the discipline of killing sin, starts by knowing how sin works. This article explains that fighting sin must be undertaken with the awareness of the nature of sin, the goal of sin, and the strategy of sin.
Mortification, the discipline of killing sin, starts by knowing how sin works. This article explains that fighting sin must be undertaken with the awareness of the nature of sin, the goal of sin, and the strategy of sin.
Mortification is the act of killing sin. How do Christians do that? This article looks at Romans 8 to answer this question.
To mortify means to put to death. Mortification of sin is putting sin to death. How do you pursue proper mortification of sin and avoid false forms of mortification? This article discusses five false forms of mortification of sin.
This article inquires on the nature of mortification. It therefore explores such terms as sin, spiritual warfare, dying to sin, and dying to this world.
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 13:3 is about mortification and sanctification.
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 13:2 is about mortification and sanctification.