"Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?"
Vocation and Honour: Understanding My Responsibility as an Employee
The Centrality of Everyday Work
How Can I Know What Job God Has for Me to Do in This World?
Colossians 3:23 – Working Heartily for the Lord
The Call to Belong to Christ and Participate in His Redemptive Work in the World
The Christian sense of vocation starts with the call to follow Christ. Added to this are the biblical callings to work and glorify Christ in all of life. These are foundational to the Christian view of work.
Investing the Ruins: Jeremiah and Theological Vocation
This article reflects on the understanding of a call to be a theologian. The author uses the book of Jeremiah as a resource for this reflection on a theological vocation and the role of friendship in such a calling.
Ordinary Christian Work
Is your work of lesser value because you are not involved in full-time ministry? This article explains that the answer is found in understanding the doctrine of vocation. It shows what this means by looking at 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 as applied in the areas of sexual morality, church, and work.
Pursue Your Vocation
The Duty of Diligence
In the Service of the King
Martin Luther refuted the view that the true Christian calling involved becoming a monk. He began affirming the spiritual value of the ordinary profession as part of one's high calling. But the Christian church has since abused this teaching as well, and man is once again faced by his own greed versus a true godly vocation.
Philosophy as a Christian Vocation
Is it appropriate for a Christian to occupy himself with philosophy? This essay gives a rationale for philosophy as a Christian vocation.
How Then Should We Work? Rediscovering the Biblical Doctrine of Work
To the Reformers all labour was accepted as a calling and performed as unto the Lord. This article maps the path that led the church to embrace the dualistic view of life and forget the implications of the priesthood of all believers. It shows that embracing the call to follow Christ is foundational to understand the theology of work. This is how the church can recover the biblical truth of vocation.
Vocation: Discerning Your Calling
A Christian's vocation is a part of God's work in this world, and of serving others. Let the article explain.
What is the Reformed Christian Worldview Concerning Work and Education?
The Vocations of Christians and the Ministry of the Church
What is the church called to do? In order to properly understand church ministry, a distinction must be drawn between Christian vocation and church ministry.
Conformity to Jesus as the Paradigm For Christian Ethics (Part 3)
The picture of the Christian life painted by the New Testament is rooted in union with Christ. This article shows how such union and conformity to Christ is reflected in individuals' vocation, serving as a paradigm to thinking about Christian ethics in the workplace.
I Need a Vocation!
God's Stewards - at Work and at Play
The Christian and work - Part 1
In these articles about the Christian and work, the author focuses on labour, laziness, idleness and rest. The relation of work and sustenance and charity is also mentioned. The author also discusses our career from a Christian viewpoint, as a divine vocation. What is the purpose of work?